What a Sex Doll Factory Looks Like

in #sex8 years ago

 Just in case you've ever wondered what a sex doll factory looks like, photographer Robert Benson is here to answer all of your questions in his newest photo series, "Sex Dolls." 

 A glimpse into the world of sex dolls. Photographer Robert Benson got a personal tour of the RealDoll factory in San Marcos, California. His photo series gives us a brief glimpse on how exactly these lifelike sex dolls are manufactured. 

 ”Like any other job." On his website, he thanks the kind and professional staff at the RealDoll factory. “Everyone was super passionate about what they’re doing, and they take the work seriously […] I guess the fascination wears off after a week and it becomes like any other job,” he said in an interview with Dangerous Minds. 

 Talk about passion… A team of nine craftsmen work together on a single doll at a time. It takes over 80 hours to complete one doll. The company produces between 300-400 dolls in a single year. 

 The average price for a RealDoll. The average price for a RealDoll sex doll, depending on your customization requirements, can run you about $12,000. 

 However, if you include things like a tail or an extra head to your doll, the price skyrockets. You can add fish-like scales, fangs and more. There are 18 female body styles.There are two male body styles with five skins tones and 39 available faces. 

 It starts with a silicone mold. Afterwards, fingernails and nipples are shaped and painted. Hair is then added and a makeup artist completes the face to the customer’s specifications. Finally, dolls are dressed up and packaged in crates for shipping. 

 A popular request… Lots of clients wants dolls that resemble movie stars. While the company cannot replicate a celebrity without consent, they can approximate the look with the right face, body style, hair and makeup. Clients also like it when female dolls have male genitalia. 

 Word of mouth. The company says that it rarely advertises and relies on press coverage and word of mouth to generate business. 

 The first doll was made in 1995. RealDoll founder Matthew McMullen is a professional artist and sculptor. McMullen made his first life-sized mannequin in 1996 while working for a Halloween mask manufacturer. He posted a photo of the doll online and started receiving inquiries. It became very clear to him that there was a market for these realistic and usable dolls. 

 Improvements over time. The original RealDolls weighed close to 115 pounds. Now they are down to 60-80 pounds an order, depending on specifications. Otherwise, "the variety and range has always been as expansive as human tastes and desires,” McMullen said to CNN. 

 The future of the RealDoll. When asked whether or not the RealDoll will be animated and given emotional intelligence one day, McMullen said, "The goal, the fantasy, is to bring her to life." Until then, love is only a credit card purchase away. 


Thanks for sharing such great article :)