How Role Playing can save your sex life.
I often get questions about, how you can keep a long term relationship without getting bored or losing sexual desire?, how you keep those sweet emotions going?
Well, my answer is “Role Playing “, my friends. Have you ever felt that you have lost that connection with your partner?, that crazy desire that you guys used to have when you first meet?. There are way to many distractions out there and if you don’t take control, your partner will look elsewhere. Think ahead, outside your comfort zone and keep your partner happy, don’t be scare in trying new things, communication is the key and always be Confident. Is always exiting to try new things and it makes everything more interesting . You can be a vampire, how about a slave or perhaps a dark angel ?, whatever you can think about, trust me is worth trying and the rewards will be absolutely delicious . If you want to have a strong relationship, sex is very important.😉
I love this. Hope to see your next post.
Thanks a million. 😉
I like it
Really So sexual content post
I don´t have a sexlife , does that play any role !? :)
Lmao. If you want to start one , perhaps .
Sometimes I don´t know what I want. What can I do about ? :)
By the way, your´re the first who replied to one of my posts heree on STEEMIT.
Congratulations! ;)
Well, is not easy to find our path or what inspired us, but in the road of life you will learn many things and find what makes you happy.😉
Words spoken wisely ... :)
yes a sex life lets start one
Monotony of intimate relations gradually becomes boring to many married couples. Instead of a whole night of love, husband and wife devote only a couple of minutes to meet their sexual needs. Traditional affection, in the same position make sex a routine thing, devoid of passion. And here it is important to find a way to diversify sex life to escape from the dull routine. Erotic game for two - an excellent option.
Exactly my point
I think it is a great idea and keeps things interesting at times. You can use different names, occupations, scenarios. Obviously clothing can be instrumental in these sorts of play. I have found it to be very exciting and not part of my regular routine. This keeps it interesting and fresh, or even surprising when it happens.
Absolutely. It avoids the routine. New things, builds excitement.
Cool! I´ll come to visit your profile ...
this is really sexy and wonderfull content.
you are verry beutyfull girl. from now i am your fan on on steemit.
Lmao!!! Thanks! 👌☺️
This seems an interesting method as I have role-played in games and it felt AWESOME. I even tried acting of some roles in media institute for practice and it felt like I am really someone else for the time being. This will surely work in life, I like this post :)
You be surprised how much you can get out of this.. lol.. specially if you are in a 5 year or longer relationship. 🙃
@midnight-g You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots.
Sweet 😊
This is gold! You have my vote.
Lmao! Gracias 😉