A Few Thoughts on Men and Sexual Abuse

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

Hey Y'all...

It has been a while. I hope everyone is happy and healthy.

This morning I read an article where a 37 year old teacher had sex (given the power dynamics it is rape in my opinion, but due to the ages of the young men, I'm willing to be a bit more flexible as far as the idea of consent, but still...not the point at the moment), was fired, and apparently filed a countersuit to get her job back and over turn the conviction because she claims her having sex with three of her students, two who were 16, the other 17 at the time, got betrer grades as a result.

My friend posted this on his Facebook, and the thread of comments were really heart breaking. It's really sad to see how a lot of men react to stories of male victims of sexual abuse and male victims of sexual assault not feeling comfortable coming out and feeling like they're not supported and how they are ridiculed.

Go on any story about this, but specifically an older woman (especially an attractive one) raping a boy or a grown man saying he's been raped, and all you see is men saying how the boy is lucky and how he should have kept his mouth shut and how they wish they had teachers like that and older women doing those things to them...and how the man is a punk etc.

I can guarantee you right now that if anything like this happens to any of the boys, young men that you know or to any of the men that are your age... The first people that they're going to want to confide in are their friends, their brothers, their fathers...Not their sisters not their girlfriends not their wives.

Y'all got to be better to one another. Also, I'm here. Always ♡


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I woke up once to a women already on top of me having sex with me. I certainly didn't consent, but I also didn't stop her once I realized what was happening. It was still entrapment in a sense. Because I was young and stupid, I felt like I then had an obligation to stay with her.

Yes, it is different for men, and single guys are not exactly going to turn down sex or sexual acts from women. That doesn't make the older adults preying on younger boys right however. Those people are still predators and should be treated equally under the law whether they be female or male.

I also have had my ass pinched at work numerous times by women, and nothing was ever done about my complaints. A lesbian body builder leaned over once and squeezed the inside of my thigh as she reached down to pick up a pencil she had purposefully dropped too. When I complained? The daughter of the owner of the company just laughed at me. It was of course not taken seriously.

At the same company, a 50+ year old woman I had zero interest in as a young man in my 20's "fell in love" with me. She was stalking me, writing me love letters, and sending me cards at one point. That sort of stuff happens to men too to many women's surprise.

Oh yeah, the same girl that started our relationship by mounting me while I was still asleep ended our relationship by date rape drugging me. She had been cheating on me for over a year with someone else, and she was trying to get me to cheat on her to make me out to be the bad guy and for her to be able to walk away.

I'd be in jail if I did what that psycho did, but hey...double standards exist, right?

At a past job, I had a female boss who kept asking me out to lunch alone also. She would always put her hand on me when she talked to me too. It was either my shoulder, forearm, or side. As with the previous example or harassment at work, nothing was done about her either. They just moved me to another contract.

Anyway, I share these experiences not because I'm terribly upset about them as the victim. It isn't like I was mentally scarred by any of them. The double standard should definitely be discussed however, for women should not be able to get away with such abuse simple because they're women.