Some bad habits that can ruin your sex life.

in #sex7 years ago

Married life is the axis of sex but some wrong habits harm sex life. It would be nice to know these habits and make improvements.

Some habits not only disturb your routine life, but some even ruin your married life. Married Life is the spindle of sex When the merid Life is disturbed, the whole system starts to deteriorate. Some wrong habits harm sex life. It would be nice to know these habits and make improvements.

The side effect of what we do in Daily Life is on our sex life. Although some points do not make you such a thing but their impact falls on the bed. So let's know which is the dirty habits?

1. Addicted to Junk Food:-
You will think that it is harmful for health, it is not something for sex but it is like that. Junk food contains high quantities of salt, sugar and refined. Fatty things do not make you lazy, but lower your blood sugar level. In such a situation, your performance worsens during sex.

2. Eat more salt:-
If you add more salt in the diet then it will cause high blood pressure. This eliminates the desire to make your sex.

3. Staying in stress:-
Tension is not good in any case, but when it is sex, it is even more dangerous. Stress affects estrogen hormones and eliminates the desire for sex. Therefore, to keep stress away from sex, definitely do sex.

4. Avoiding Four Play:-
If you do not use Four Play then this habit is not good. This is an essential part of the full enjoyment of sex. To make it a habit means to create boredom in sex.

5. One position:-
The sexiest part of the sex rule is sex in the same position. Always be experimental with position, or a position is a big reason for boredom. If you continue to have sex with your child repeatedly, then after a time, you will have a negative effect on your body. So love your body and do not feel like sex when you do not mind.

6. More Drink & Smoking:-
Sensors of more drinkers are loosened soon. The effects of drugs are on sex organisms and this affects sex life.

7. Love Mobile:-
Today's Laughstyle's Most Bad Habit Mobile If you have a habit of taking mobile on bed then understand that your sex life is not long Mobile not only reduces your attachment to sex but also causes poison in your intimate moments.

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