So Many People Have Sexual Energy Incorrect, It Is Not Just For Sex..
So Many People Have Sexual Energy Incorrect, It Is Not Just For Sex..

I’ve always been really open about my sexual energy and I’ve also been really embarrassed by it. I have so much of it, that sometimes I have no idea what to do with it all that in the past it would go places that I didn’t want it to. I know sex to be a conversation and not the physical act but the actual embodiment of sex and the energy of it. The creative flow of that spirit has always been one I dive into everyday. Whether it be through poems, writing, fantasizing, touching myself, dancing, creating business or eating food. My sexual energy always shows through it.
This is something that I have always been really self conscious of, I would force myself to hide it and only show it to myself which would only feel like I was blocking parts of myself from being shown. I moan literally after every bite of my food because i feel like I’m making love to the food that is entering my body. Some people point it out and I get really embarrassed by it and then other times I’m just like “If you’re not moaning while you’re eating food, then wtf are you eating.”
One reason why I kept drinking alcohol all the time was because my sexual nature and all my fantasies that I ever desired to partake in would come out and I would get to experience them full force because nothing about me backed down from what I wanted. The creative energy would move through me in ways that I couldn’t even fathom and I loved it. Now 3 months sober and my sexual energy is flowing through other things like the gym and dancing and connecting more to my business and writing my book.
I’ve always desired to have this connection to my feminine spirit a lot more than I have and today when I was dancing, it helped me see that the sexual energy doesn’t want to be hidden. It’s meant to shine just as bright as every other aspect of yourself and it is not to be shunned upon like some of society makes it out to be.

There is a difference in hiding your sexual energy from the world and actually driving that sexual energy into a project you are creating and letting others feel the impact and the flow of your soul. I thought at one point I had to separate my sexual energy from my business and my friends and certain conversations and then I noticed that I literally couldn’t do that. The sexual energy part of me is the sapiosexual in me that likes to be activated through the mind, body movement and pictures.
The energy is a profound force that can be worked with in multiple different ways. It can be manipulated and abused or it can literally heal the world, and it’s your choice of how you are desiring to express that part of you. But it never wanted to be hidden or to only be acted on during sexual intercourse. It wants to be expressed through every aspect of your life.
Hey @awakealiveaware, I just want to give you props for being so brave! Sexual energy is an important, natural part of life and yet we are told to suppress it and definitely not talk about it. I feel like our education lacks in this area because of the embarrassment you mention. That is not the type of open conversation we need in order to figure out how to let this flow through other channels. I love that you've given examples of how you let your energy flow and that you're no longer ashamed of it! :) I'll be following for more posts!
Our education definitely lacks in terms of sharing this information with us! This is something I want to bring to the surface more for people to see that it is such a sacred energy that shouldn't feel embarrassing when it comes up. Thanks so much for reading!
I am completely with you on that! I love what you're doing, I'll definitely be following :)
Agreed, more education should be given. Well said Heart!
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I really love how introspective and self-aware you are about your drives. I totally agree. Even though we are so short-sighted with our sexual energy and almost try to get rid of it when we have it, we can channel it into our daily efforts to improve ourselves. As a dude I can tell you that a lot of what I do in life, whether I realize it or not, is to impress the opposite sex.
ah its interesting how that happens right and I think sometimes thats our natural abilities is to impress the opposite sex. I even do that at times. It is pretty wild that when the sexual energy comes up we try to get rid of it instead of feeling what its like to have this creation inside of us.
Upvoted and followed!
It's a shame so many people are so anti-sex and judgemental of those that are sexual. It's the creative force and is not limited to just having sex.
My sexual energy is what drives my art most of the time, but I'm alos not limited to just that... I shoot Fashion, Fine Art, Erotic art and Erotic. It's all part of the whole.
hehe I already was following you! I love your stuff!
ah yes! SO happy you have channeled that energy into your work. Super excited to check it out after I write this! I love the erotic side of art and thats a lot of how I get my work out as well.
I think sexuality is the embodiment of our electromagnetic existence. Lovers love to love, but haters love to hate. We form our own paths.
Mmm I like the way you put that first sentence! But yes we do form our own path :)
Neat! The second sentence is analogical, to reinforce the first one! :O
Eye opener @awakealiveaware :)
:) Thanks!
It's just amazing, you are amazing I was concerned about my sexual energy and where to address it lately. I've discovered something from my last relationship, which I'm not entirely related yet. But every single moment became special and sexual, not in a physical way but it was she, every second, every moment, every thought, surrounding me with that energy that finally got me deeply and now I’m captive and deeply in love with her… not sure if is the same you are referring to but… feels like the same.
mmm thats so amazing! Im so happy you are able to embrace to place of love and embodiment. Its a beautiful feeling
Great article: sexual energy is sacred fire and we are wholesome gals; there is nothing to be ashamed of. I love when my husband groans after each bite of delicious food I prepare !! Upvoting and following!
haha yessss! Exactly nothing to be ashamed of ever! Its such a great energy <3
Sexual energy is really just a form of chi. We can move it throughout our body and beyond the sexual organs because it is NOT about sex. It's about chi. Which is why we can use it when we dance, or write, or stare into eachother's souls...
YES YES YES! Preach. Thank you I followed you btw, so happy you found me :)
How could I miss you Brie, you are a force of nature! lol ;-)
hahah thank you!! Woohooo yay for steemit and deeper connections!
Such a necessary topic - especially for women . Well, for everyone, but I don't think men face the same issues we do. That double standard in society, the Madonna/Whore complex. A woman who is arbitrarily deemed 'too sexual' is branded with that loathsome 's' word - a woman who is conservative is considered 'repressed' or a man hater.
Yet, sexuality is the reason we exist - and it should be celebrated. That sensual energy can be expressed in so many ways...for me it's music, writing, and art - especially photography.
Please continue to write on this! I popped into the Be Awesome discord chat and saw your posts , which led me to your profile. Followed :-)
Wow I love that you said that because it's so true. When women share this sexual energy in the same way a man does we get called very unkind names but it's not reciprocated to the man and at that they are praised for it. I love that you found me in the group! Will check your stuff out as soon as I get home yay!
:-) The perpetual double standard. And to think our generation has it better than our grandparents. I hate when people say that though better - or almost equal - is good enough :-( yay to meeting you!
hahah seriously! following you :) Nice to meet you as well and so looking forward to more of your posts