7 Ways To Get Pregnant Fast (Effective Sex Position)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #sex7 years ago


Maybe you've read articles on how to get pregnant to get pregnant quickly featuring various sex positions.

Or ... see video how to relate to get pregnant quickly and get a baby soon.

Missionary position, wife above, spoon style, and various other styles are widely known as the usual sex position.

In fact ...

there are no studies that can show the effectiveness of each style in sex to facilitate the occurrence of pregnancy. Because the occurrence of pregnancy is influenced by various factors.

What needs to be maximized are:

Position when husband ejaculation should be a position that helps sperm cells to quickly reach the womb of the wife's womb. Expected later more and more sperm cells enter the uterus (womb) and reach the channel ovaries - to meet the egg (ovum).
The husband and wife relationship is done during the wife's fertile period. Of course you need to determine first when the fertile period.
To help you in the pregnancy program with your partner, it is necessary to understand things that can help live the activities of a husband and wife relationship that gives happiness.

Expected to simultaneously boost the chances of conception and continue in pregnancy. Here are tips on how to make love to get pregnant:

Choose the Right Time
Start with earnest prayer
Warm up (foreplay)
Do whatever style you like
Try to reach orgasm wife
Set the husband's position when ejaculation is above the wife (missionary position)
Lie 15-20 minutes after ejaculation
And below is the explanation.

  1. Choose the Right Time

The right time is the time that increases the chances of fertilization of eggs by sperm cells.

Night Before Sleep

The point is you both have intercourse just before bedtime. After reaching climax (husband ejaculate semen and orgasmic wife) you both go to sleep.

The wife does not have to clean her cock, leave it as it is and let the sperm cells swim toward the cervix, enter the uterus and reach the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg.

Fertile Period

One more important as mentioned above is the time ML activities are done during the fertile period.

Because women only release 1 egg in one menstrual cycle, and only live for 1 × 24 hours to fertilized sperm cells.

Then the fertile period when it is estimated that the woman releases the mature ovum to be fertilized, needs to be understood by the husband and wife.

If possible ... intercourse is done 2 days once routinely after menstruation stops, if you have trouble determining the wife's fertile period due to irregular menstruation.

Although it is not easy to get the opportunity, especially for the couple or the meeting is not every day (LDR) and often affected by fatigue.

  1. Begin with earnest prayer

Preferably before you have intercourse you read the prayer to have a child who is pious shalehah. And pray to get pregnant and have children. Hopefully the prayer is answered by Allah SWT. God of the universe.

Prayer can be done in the language you use everyday. Do it with sincerity, full of hope and sincerity.

The following prayer can be read before having sexual intercourse to have a child of God:

In the Name of Allah, O Allah keep us away from evil disturbance and keep the devil from the infant whom You will grant us.
(H.R. Bukhari and Muslim)

quoted from Ustadz Aam Amiruddin.

The Prayer of the Prophet Zakaria:

O my Lord, grant me good offspring from thy side, verily Thou hast heard the prayer.

  1. Warm up (foreplay)

Warming in the form of kisses, cuddles, elusan and so forth certainly adds passion and increase pleasure and intimacy you both.

In addition, heating will prepare the wife's vagina to lubricate naturally and ready to enter the husband's penis.

So you do not need to use a lot of lubricants sold outside the womb can actually prevent sperm reaching the cervix or even may be deadly sperm cells.

  1. Do whatever style you like

Do not get stuck with the information circulating as I mentioned above. Any sex positions actually have no effect to speed up pregnancy. Because there is no scientific research results that show the best position to accelerate pregnancy.

Want man on top, woman on top, from front, left side, right side, from back, spoon, sitting position, etc ... go ahead.

Want to change any style, please as you both are important fun and not harm each side.

The most important is the position when the husband ejaculates that need attention.

  1. Try to reach orgasm wife

This is not a requirement but it is the duty of the husband to please the beloved woman in the marriage bond with the achievement of orgasm. By warming up before penetration will speed up the wife reaches the peak of pleasure.

There are studies that although not strongly suggest that during orgasm, uterine contractions help the sperm to stick in the mucus of the cervix.

Orgasm will increase the intimacy of both of you and strengthen family harmony. And can reduce stress on the wife where stress is one of the disruptors the process of maturation and release of eggs in women.

But do not also stress if not orgasm. Another time can be done again such fun activities.

  1. Set the husband's position when ejaculation is above the wife (missionary position)

Although there is no study of the best position to achieve pregnancy. Or there has been no scientific research on the position of rapid pregnancy. Simple logic can be used to assess the force when ejaculation occurs.

When the man at the top when ejaculating, then this will give the deepest penetration so that the sperm will be issued as close as possible to the cervix.

The position when the husband sprayed semen is above the wife, will help sperm not against the gravity of the earth .... so that more sperm cells approaching the cervix to enter the uterus.

There is also a mention of the position of the husband in the back or doggy style, where the hand and the head of the wife reclining in the base (nungging style), will provide deep penetration as well.

Even when the ejaculation position of both standing or the woman above, then the sperm will fight the direction of gravity that causes semen can spill when the penis is pulled out.

So that the remaining sperm concentration in the vagina will be less and reduce the number of sperm cells that will enter the cervix, enter the uterus and finally up to the ovaries to meet the egg.

So the traditional style of the husband over the wife during ejaculation ... can be said as the best style to maximize the number of sperm cells that are likely to enter the womb. Which in the end is expected the potential of wife's pregnancy skyrocket to immediately have offspring.

  1. Lie 15-20 minutes after ejaculation

He said lying 15-20 minutes could help more sperm cells move into the uterus and are expected to reach the fallopian tubes to meet the egg.

There is also a try by propping the buttocks of the wife with a pillow, to help sperm collected in the cervix.

Better if the intercourse until the ejaculation occurs semen semen - at night - so it can go to sleep, without washing or cleaning the vagina first.

This will give longer time (few hours) for the sperm cells to move without your body movement disturbance.

Although various factors determine the occurrence of conception and pregnancy ...

... very wise if you both optimize intimate relationships for quality. It means - fun, fun, intimate and tighten the bond between you both as a husband and wife.