4 Ways to Enjoy Sex During Stress

in #sex7 years ago


For those of you who are now stressed, but want to be able to enjoy sex activities, here are some things that can be done like

  1. Take a deep breath, let go
    Make sure you breathe properly. The right way to breathe is an important aspect of orgasm.
    Breathing deeply and then exhaling is a way to improve blood circulation, improve response, and sensual sensation.
    The trick is to lie down teletang, then release all thoughts that make you anxious or stressed. Then, take a deep breath through the nose and then release it through the nose slowly.

  2. The session warms up slowly
    When you are stressed, you might think of just doing lightning. In fact, it doesn't make you satisfied.
    Better, just slowly. Do foreplay slowly while for example by giving each other a massage or bathing in a hot shower together. This activity can make stress release. When making love, the chances of getting an orgasm also increase.

  3. Take a walk together or exercise
    When the mind is really complicated because of stress is so heavy. Try to leave the house for a while.
    Perform physical activities such as walking or other sports with your partner. Exercise can drive energy up, utomatically the desire to make love increases.

  4. Think of things that make you happy
    Before making love, try to think of fun things rather than imagine the presentation tomorrow. Making you happy and releasing disturbing thoughts makes the person more easily aroused


I just found out that when I was stressed I could have sex. very useful post