
How would you feel if you spent your life and career studying photography and taking photos and then people just stole your work and uploaded it to a platform like steemit and entering it into competitions and made money of it without even providing credit let alone financial compensation. Its no different to stealing grain from a farmer. Sad that rather than apologizing all you can do is name call.

STOP BULLING people and for your information I did not mention any where that I took it or clam any false credit, I just share a good B/W theme picture on steemit and wasn't expecting a single penny. I know people, bully and jerk like you can't see or stand someone else happy and how on earth you could bare that except yourself someone else made credit or likewise you say financial gain. the only my bad is that I don't know how to link the source otherwise it couln't happened.

I will stop raising this as an issue when you stop taking other peoples work and using it in your own posts without credit or permission.

so your are jerk for life. no worries be happy.


You can write what you want but I don't see you refunding the payouts from the up-likes of all the colour challenge and photo comps that you have entered in using photos other than your own? People assume your posts are your own when you enter a comp on steemit like the colour comp , photofeed etc. You can't hide behind the fact that you did not explicitly say they were yours. You posted them under your username; that is claiming legal ownership of them under most copyright laws.

In your intro post you say that you are chef in Melbourne ; how would you feel if I walked into your kitchen and took one of the meals you had cooked while you were not looking and walked it down the road to sell at another restaurant or worse entered it into a food competition ? Would the police be bullying me when they came to point out that that I was breaking the law?

I am a photographer and that's exactly what you are doing to other photographers. You are breaking copyright laws posting without reference to the source or with the permission of the source. If it was my photo that you had used you would be dealing with my lawyer rather than a few polite comments on your blog asking you to think before you post.

you are mistaken again mate I know what copyright law is, I never clam any thing and do keep making up your stories and fantasies. I liked photo and share it and you are allow to do that.

Perhaps you should read the Australian copyright act then given you live in Australia. You are not allowed to share a photo just because you like it.

"The use, reproduction or dissemination of copyrighted material by someone who is not authorised to do so is a breach of copyright. To avoid infringing copyright, the owner’s permission must be obtained.
In the case of unauthorised usage, the courts may award penalties or remedies for the damage caused. These include:
• Awarding damages for any losses suffered;
• An account of any profits made by the user;
• Delivery of any copyrighted material, including its destruction; and
• Injunctions to prevent further use of the material."

Given that you reproduced the content and steemit has a monetary reward system your clearly in breach of the act.

again for your kind information I didn't put my name on it and no intention of making any profit so don't assume by your self and do not try to accuse someone if you have any knowledge.

let me know do you accept charity? Count on my behalf all colorchallange payouts if It's sound good I'll transfer it into yours account. How about that mate?


Me having the funds would be just as wrong as you having them. Perhaps you should find out who the actual photographers were and send a cut to them.

why don't you do it? let me know and I'll do as you like it.OK

@n2ahmed, you're more or less asking @intrepidphotos to accept something untowards! It is not @intrepidphotos' responsibility to do any such thing. Also it does nothing to overcome your fraudulant use of other photographers' work. I say fraudulent as you make no efforts to even suggest that it is the work of another.

If you feel like doing so, you can freely give, and without prior agreement, what proceeds you wish towards @photofeed @curie @minnowsupport etc etc etc, as they have to spend a good deal of time trying to safegaurd against things like this happening.

It's very difficult for honest, life serving photographers such as myself and @intrepidphotos along with countless others to get off the starting blocks here @steemit because of the actions of members such as yourself. It breaks down the trust when people plagiarise, as it raises doubts in the veiwer regards the validity of the post, especially when it comes to high quality photographs, as that is the type of photograph most likely to be stolen to gain rewards.

please do not make your own assumptions towards other people and not try to bias as well martinandersuk. Don't try to put others in yours or others shoes by accusing them.
people like you and interpidphotos only responsibility is to bully, accuse , make bias thinking towards them and you guys are good at it.