7 day black and white challenge day 1!
These are the rules to follow
• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days.
• No people.
• No explanation.
• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.
My nomination goes to @fritzreuter
Cheers, come back to see what I find tomorrow :)

Thanks for watching my post! If you like my photos, please Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem @mirkmarvel
What a good work. Your post look fantastic.lets improve each other on steemit@mirkmarvel
Hey chinda thank you for resteem
Good capture @mirkmarvel
Check out my blog @ategun
Thx, i will do it
Beautiful shot capturing the delicate gossamer... looking forward to tomorrows :)
Thx redwellies
Awesome first image! Glad you decided to join in :)
Thx kylaki