📷What does your Black and White photos mean to you? Enter the contest to share your story. 你的黑白照的背後,來參加比賽跟大家分享 🏅💰
Yesterday I finished my 7 Day Black and White Challenge nominated by @travelgirl. For my photos I could have easily chosen 7 great ones from my holidays, but they wouldn't represent me, because as much as I love travelling, my life is much more than just that. Each photo I chose in the end means something to me and since I couldn't offer an explanation on those posts, I'm going to do it here. Furthermore, I want to invite you to do the same in my contest below.
我參加的黑白挑戰照片昨天完結了,謝謝 @travelgirl 提名我參加。其實從我旅遊照片中選七張參加不難,但規則之一是照片要代表你人生的一部份。雖然我非常喜歡旅遊,但旅遊並不是我生命的全部,所以我每天都在想哪張照片對我有特別意思。挑戰另一個規則是不能解釋,所以我今天發文章與大家分享每張照片背後的故事。同時我舉辦一個比賽讓大家也有機會同樣做。
Day 1 - Being a Brit at heart. I drink quite a lot of tea, and yes I'm one of those Brits who take their teabags with them when they travel! This particular photo was taken on my recent holiday in New Zealand. Nothing beats a nice cuppa in the afternoon.
第一天 - 英國心的我很喜歡喝英式奶茶,甚至出門旅行也自備茶包! 這照片是今年去紐西蘭旅行拍的。她與英國關係密切,英式奶茶非常普遍。在南半球來個英式下午茶,風味還是一樣。
第二天 - 這是倫敦的天際線。老實說,比她更美的都市不少,但畢竟我在這居住和工作多年,對她有特別的感情。這攝於我離開倫敦前一星期,是我對這個充滿活力的國際都市最後的印像。
第三天 - 我來自英國西部一個海邊小鎮。從維多利亞時代,一般海邊市鎮都有類似的碼頭,裡面多是遊樂場。我家鄉這座很優雅的碼頭在1904年落成,可惜2008年被一場大火全燒毀了。現在新建的是較前衛,沒個性,很醜。
Day 4 - I cheated a little with this photo as I kept its original colour. I figured since the scissors were silver and on a black background it was 'black and white' enough. I also wanted to show the rust as these scissors belonged to my mother, who of course is the most important part of my life. The scissors have a simple engraving on one side, a swallow flying beneath the clouds and above the flowers.
第四天 - 這照片有點作弊,因為我保留原本顏色。剪刀是銀色,背景是黑色所以也像黑白照。另外保留原本顏色是想展現剪刀上的銹。剪刀是媽媽的遺物,沒她就沒我,她當然在我生命中佔很重要的地位。剪刀簡單但秀麗,雕了小花,還有燕子在雲下飛翔。
Day 5 - This was the very last photo I took in UK last year. I was at Heathrow Airport in London flying out to Taiwan. It was quite a sad day as I was leaving my life and family in UK for an indefinite period of time, yet I was also looking forward to a new chapter of my life in Taiwan. I think the black and white version of this photo sums up my mood that day pretty well.
第五天 - 去年離開英國前,從倫敦希斯洛機場飛到台灣拍的最後一張照。當天有點失落因為不知道會離開英國和家人多久,但同時心情又非常期待在台灣開始人生新的一頁。我覺得這黑白照正好反影我當天的心情。
第六天 - 嚴格來說這照片沒犯規因為只有腳沒人!多年前,四兄妹加伴侶和其中四個孩子一行十二人到美國奧蘭度旅遊。這次大家都童心未泯玩得非常開心,尤其在遊樂園裡。重點是,能與家人一起和和氣氣出門玩,很值得珍惜。
第七天 - 七張照片中,總會有一張是旅行的。這是之前去芬蘭看北極光時拍。我座在雪橇上,老公站在後面踏在窄窄的木板條上控制狗狗。我看到周圍的環境美到不得了,在興奮大叫。但原來可憐的他因為要顧著控制狗狗不要跑太快,一點風景也看不到。
So here's what my photos means to me. What about yours? My contest is really simple. Choose your favourite photo that you've posted in this challenge, and write a post telling us what which aspect of your life it represents. Your post has to include:
- one photo only, but it has to be one you've used in the challenge and is your own photo
- the link for the original post
- who your nominator is. If you have multiple ones, you can list them all down or just choose one. If you joined the challenge yourself, then just leave the nominator blank
- either English or Chinese language (sorry I have limited language capabilities)
- use the #sevendaybnwchallenge tag
Then post the link of your entry as a comment below so I won't miss it. You also need to upvote and resteem this post. That way your nominees can join in as well and you will have multiple chances of winning.
我的故事講完了。你的呢? 這個比賽非常簡單。只要選一張曾經在這個挑戰中發過的照片,再發個新帖子參加比賽。在新帖子裡跟大家分享照片在你生命中有甚麼特別。參賽新帖子要包括:
- 一張照片而已,不能多。但一定要是曾經參加過這個挑戰而且是你自己拍的照片
- 之前照片參加挑戰時的連結
- 你的提名人。如果有多位提名人可以全部寫上,或是只寫一個也可。隨你。沒就不用寫
- 歡迎全部用中文寫
- 繼續用 #sevendaybnwchallenge 標籤
There will be six winners in total ~ Winner, First runner up, Second runner up, and their nominators. They will split the SBD author rewards from this post as follows, or win the SBD amount indicated, which ever is highest.
勝出者會有六位,第一,二,三名和提名人。他們會瓜分這帖子全部的作者SBD收益或20SBD ,獎金為兩者之間較高的份額。
Post winner / 勝出者 | Nominator / 提名人 | |
The Winner 第一名 | 46% / 9.2 | 8% / 1.6 |
First runner up 第二名 | 25% / 5.0 | 4% / 0.8 |
Second runner up 第三名 | 15% / 3.0 | 2% / 0.4 |
Total 總額 100% / 20SBD | 86% / 17.2 | 14% / 2.8 |
If a winner has multiple nominators they will split that %, if there is no nominator, then that % will be pro rated to the other nominators. // 如果勝出者有多位提名人他們會瓜分獎金。如果沒提名人,獎金會按比例分給其他得獎者的提名人。
Judging will be based on both the photo quality and how well it represents the aspect of your life. I am honoured that @shieha has agreed to be the judge for this important task. @shieha is an amazing photographer on Steemit. Apart from his wildlife and nature shots, he often experiences with abstract and macro photography. If you haven't come across his works before, please do visit his site.
評審准則以照片質素和它怎麼代表你生命為基準。這重要任務當然要由重量級攝影專家擔任,我很榮幸邀請到 @shieha 為這次比賽作評判。除了一般大自然題材外, @shieha 經常拍很多特別的虛擬,和宏觀攝影。如果大家沒欣賞過他的作品,現在就去吧!
This contest will close on Thursday 14th December 0600 UTC. Look forward to your entry!
比賽截止日期是十二月十四日星期四 UTC 0600 / 中港台星馬時間 1400。非常期待你們的參與! 謝謝!
Here is mine! Hope I am at the right place!😆
Good luck!!!
Hi here's my entry, thank you for the opportunity.
Thanks for your entry
Awesome! 不用憋了,可以盡情的說啦~😆
My entry:https://steemit.com/cn/@twinkledrop/the-story-between-harrods-and-princess-diana
Phew - Got my entry in just in time :) Here's the link https://steemit.com/sevendaybnwchallenge/@steemmeupscotty/7-day-b-and-w-what-it-means-contest-there-is-a-light
Great to see your entry!!!
Hope I made it in time for my submission!!
thanks for organizing this!!
Yes! I hope you win ^_^
Below is a link to my entry using my DAY 2 photograph.
Thank you @livinguktaiwan for creating the contest and @sheiha for judging!
Thanks for entering!
Great idea turning the contest into a contest... so we can hear some stories!
Here is my entry
Good luck!
Here is my entry ~
Good luck!
I nominated you so of course I need to support you!
Here is my entry
Thanks for your support!