Seven Day Beer Challenge: Day 7 - Goose Honkers Ale

in #sevendaybeerchallenge7 years ago (edited)

The Beer

The Finish Line at last!

To complete the Seven Day Beer Challenge, I bring you Goose Honkers Ale. I was drawn to this beer by the name and the flashy red can. To me, this looked like another Canadian craft beer. Wrong. This beer is brewed in Chicago by Goose Island Brewing Company. This small-sounding brewery is owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's largest brewing company. Do I feel cheated? You better believe it -- I might as well be reviewing Bud Light. Is there any chance this beer will get a fair rating from me? None. However, I'm sure you will still enjoy my review. Read on.


This is the flashy red can that suckered me into reviewing this beer. I am no longer impressed. The red is hurting my eyes.

Still not feeling the love? Me neither.

"Fruity/Hop aroma"
"Rich Malt middle"


Sounds like a cookie.

IBU is reported to be 30. Confidential sources tell me they have fudged this number and it's actually a 2.

Sissy-sized American pint (473 ml).

Sissy ABV (4.3%). Normally, I'd be fine with this, but I am still steaming about being cheated into buying a big brand beer.

The Verdict

Cough, cough. It isn't bad. I'm going to boost my rating by 4 points.

5 out of 10.

Nevertheless, I'll be pouring the rest of this swill down the drain and cracking open a Beau's Lug-Tread. Ya baby!


  • You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days.
  • The beer must be something you have never tasted before.
  • You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it.
  • Nominate someone every day.
  • If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink.
  • Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.


Thank You @trumpman for starting this challenge. You da man!

Thank You @churchboy for nominating me. I want to go to your church!

My Day 7 nominee for this challenge is @ionlysaymeep. He is a man of few words. If you have not checked out his posts, you should do so immediately. I like his style.

Need more info on this big brand beer? Google it yourself. I'm not going to be a shill for AB InBev.

I hope you have enjoyed my un-biased beer reviews. I may do one final post to re-cap the beers I have rated.

@opaulo ... hic


A very interesting initiative. want to follow this challenge

This one is a let down. 5/10 is way below most of the pack.