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RE: Killing Seven77 Giving Birth to Bridge777

in #seven776 years ago (edited)

You could try focusing on what you have instead of what you don't! Motivating 600+ people is no small task. But this isn't good enough for you...and putting pressure on everyone to match the expansion of your ego is wrong.

The things we want to happen do not always happen in the exact same time frames we choose. Not getting what you want...precisely when you want it and then getting upset when you don't get it? Honestly...I did not expect that level of immaturity coming from you.

It was fun while it lasted...and I will always be grateful for your previous support. But...I drifted away from the challenge because my personal vision and motivations changed. We all walk around with our own dreams and passions and sometimes they don't line up anymore...or at all with your own particular path.

Expecting 2000 people to crunch together on exactly the same wavelength...and on a tight looks rather insane from where I am sitting. It might have been better to wait for the natural progression of all these people and individual pathways to come together and work together in harmony...instead of forcing it. I am sure that you would have met and exceeded this goal in time.

We are all human...and we all have ups and downs. It is okay to get frustrated sometimes and lean on others for support. Also...switching gears and generally doing what is personally best for you is a great long as you do not hurt anyone while doing this! Unfortunately your decision to 'kill seven77' does hurt others. I am very disappointed and sad...but not upset. I would be...had I mindlessly pushed myself beyond my limits. I lost the willpower to continue...but had planned on completing the challenge in my own time. The other day...I was also brainstorming a new kind of 'seven things' that matches new evolved goals. I guess participating with that...won't be happening.

There must have been a way to keep the challenge going for those that dedicated so much more of themselves...and also for those yet to join...while also continuing on with your new idea to raise the price and or profile of steem. You are basically alienating everyone who has contributed and would have contributed in the future.

Edited to add...
I totally understand the need to dedicate energy elsewhere...because I am doing the same thing right now. So...why not leave the option open for someone to take over leadership of the seven77 movement? It would no longer be about attracting investors. Just showing regular people on twitter that the steem blockchain is here. That was always my own reason to participate anyway. Pick someone who wants to keep it going...either hand over the existing twitter account or make a new dedicated one for retweets. It would be awesome to have a steem side account connect both sides. It would become just like any voluntary posting seven of ANYTHING and share it. Like colorchallenge or fruitsandveggiesmonday or wednesdaywalk or tarottuesday. These have growing communities too...simply because the hashtag gathers like minded together. Anyone who wants to continue on with this challenge because they enjoy doing it still can. Instead of being jolted out of the routine based on your whim.


I drifted away from the challenge because my personal vision and motivations changed

All I can say that I truly appreciate your contribution to STEEM Seven77 Twitter Movement

I know I’m not perfect and deep down I know I gave my all to STEEM during last 17 months. I wasn’t in my best version of myself during this time

I blame myself for everything. I made mistakes and I failed many times

Seven77 Twitter Movement was build on wrong foundation and I cannot simply let someone else to take over

Please let me take a small break and think about how to build a bridge between EOS & STEEM with solid foundation

I’m forever grateful for you and your contribution in my journey

Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. No worries there. I just personally place a lot of importance on minimizing the damage. Didn't really contribute all that much though.

I still don't fully understand your decision...but can respect the fact it was probably a difficult one to make. Seems like it could have been handled less abruptly though. I had hoped to see the good parts of the seven77 foundation saved and sorta reinvented. I agree with the comment that you shouldn't dig up the trees you planted.

Surely the whole thing was not all wrong? The reinvention meant the community that you have gathered wouldn't have to sit idle while you move on. It could continue to grow and draw attention to steem even while you remain completely focused on the eos bridge.

You don't have to do everything yourself. I won't push the idea anymore...but the end result with keeping seven77 alive would have likely meant many more folks to support you. This just seems like most of us won't carry over to whatever role you have planned next. I can't speak for everyone but my trust has been broken...and the same seems to be true with other commenters.

Some bridges don't have to be burned. I would imagine that it will be harder for you to have full credibility in future projects now...and this decision will ultimately create more work for yourself building that faith back up.