Please Attend And Spread The Word- Seth Rich Vigil

in #sethrich7 years ago (edited)

We will be gathering at The Spirit Of Justice Park- fitting location- to remember the life of Seth Rich and to demand the truth from the DCMPD about the murder of Seth Rich whom I believe was murdered in the hospital. Both the EMTs on the scene and a surgeon that worked on Rich at the GW MedStar Center said his injuries were not life threatening.

Monday July 10th at 4pm.

DCMPD is running cover for his murderers by asserting it was a botched robbery where NONE of his personal items were taken.

Where's the incident report DCMPD- why won't you release that?

Where is video footage of Rich leaving Lou's bar or on his walk to his next destination before being murdered?

Why is former DC Detective Rod Wheeler asserting that a DC Homicide detective told him that the investigation was being shut down from above the Chief's office- presumably the Mayor's office? Wheeler also asserts that Rich was communicating with Wikileaks in advance of his murder.

Why would DNC debate question fraudster and election rigger Donna Brazile object to a private investigator conducting a separate investigation??????

Why did the Profiling Project conclude that DCMPD is full of it and that the Rich murder was NOT a botched robbery?

If the truth about who really murdered Seth Rich were to come out that would of course do great harm to the deepstate's false Trump/Russia narrative because Rich was of course the source to Wikileaks with the DNC emails NOT Russian hackers so the leftists that assassinated Rich.

Julian Assange has implied that Rich was indeed the source of the DNC emails.

Why did the DNC refuse the FBI access to their servers? What are they hiding?

Here is a link tto my telephone interview with DNC PR specialist and Rich family handler Brad Bauman- pay special attention to how he flip flops and practices deception when I continue to ask him about the whereabouts of Rich's computer- go to 18:00 about Seth's computer and chain of custody- he's flip flopping his way through deception- Also note how without being asked he states 'there is absolutely no way, definitively, that the DCMPD did anything to that laptop' - who even implied they tampered with the PC- has me thinking the DCMPD scrubbed Wikileak contact from Rich's computer?????? .............

Here's the original steemit post where I posted the interview and provided more details about Bauman........

How can anyone looking at the facts of this case NOT see that it all stinks to high heaven? What a shitty state our nation is in when their isn't absolute pubic outrage about this cover-up. Unfortunately I think many people out there these days put the well being of their favorite political party ahead of someone's life and justice being served.
Please join us in a call to demand the truth about who murdered Seth Rich


This will eventually bring down the Clinton cartel and the Dems. REsteemed!

Upvoted, followed, and resteemed. This is important.

Yes, this Seth Rich murder stinks to the high heavens. My theory is that so many people in high places (in both parties) are all protecting each other. It's "House of Cards" in real life. It seems as if the momentum for justice in this matter is once again dying as the mainstream media does everything it can to squash this story. It just shows that the political class regards itself as above the law.

BINGO- that's the Deepstate- blatant corruption right in our faces. A child could see that something is really amiss with this case.

Great information. Upvote and resteem

The DNC, along with the fake news, coordinated to collude and de-fraud the sanders campaign out of the nomination during the primaries. Wikileaks exposed the DNC and their corrupt campaign simply by realizing their own words to the world. Think about it, SIMPLY revealing the DNC's own words was enough to destroy them

Awesome story...

It's not a fucking story asshat- it's a murder investigation and an announcement for a vigil for the victim. Did you even read the fucking headline? Your self promotion here is OFFENSIVE and I can assure you will not help your steemit efforts- SMH

I didn't mean it dear..why are u so rude ..I understand the meaning of this post and already resteem it.By the way thanks for yr words.Yes i am yr junior but that doesn't mean u use this type of words..hope u will keep it in mind.

What I'm sick of are all of the newbies who come and make irrelevant comments and engage in self promotion which is EXACTLY what you did- backpeddle all you like but we both know that's exactly what your comment was all about- it's especially offensive when discussing someone's murder.

Yes , I did..but it is not a spam..
All of us did the same may be in another way..
but as a senior u should guide me..
but if u use this type of words ,its really hurt dear..
i may be wrong to u..but u also .

If you can't handle some swearing then don't visit my posts- if you want to minimize swearing on my posts show some respect for this forum and Seth Rich.

Upvoted, followed, resteemed.

Wish I could go - my thoughts are with you - please give Pizzagate Howie a high-five for me - wrote a message, hope others will send good wishes to Howie, too, so if you'd be kind enough to resteem it, I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance, safe journey to you.