in #service5 years ago

You know, when you exchange things with each other, it's called a transaction. But when you give without expecting anything in return, it's called a service. This is the fundamental difference between service and business. In many newspapers, you will notice advertising inserts describing the service rendered to the population by an enterprise in this or that circumstance. In fact, it is a false statement because it is not a service but an investment. Because the Cosmos and His offspring emanate from the Supreme, serving this offspring comes down to serving Him. Wherever you are and whatever function you hold, you owe it to yourself to serve all living beings by visualizing the Supreme. By guarding yourself from selfishness, cultivate the idea that the Supreme offers you the opportunity to serve Him. It is to His credit that, taking the form of a patient, a person without assistance or a beggar, He accepts the service with gratitude. Indeed, if He had not come in this form, you would not have been rewarded with this good fortune.

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