Seo tips and tricks

in #seo3 years ago

10 Tips on SEO that you should never break
SEO is the acronym of Search Engine Optimization which is the practice of optimizing a web page so that it will be ranked higher in search results when someone searches on Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.. This article aims to give you knowledge about this topic.


The first thing we need to define here is: What is seo?

SEO – Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of improving your website so that it will rank higher in search engines, such as Google and Bing. SEO means to do SEO on a site or on a webpage or on any other piece of online content (like articles, videos etc.)

So basically SEO is optimizing your web pages so that search engines can understand what they ‘re all about and list them accordingly in their database.

SEO Tips And Tricks
Google’s mission statement reads “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Nobody likes to be lost, especially when you’re just trying to find out some information about something by typing it in your favorite search engine. SEO helps you find the information more easily. SEO is crucially important for every business, no matter whether it’s a small one or a bigger one. SEO can help them rank higher on search engines’ results pages. And this will mean that more people are likely to see them and click on their site/page which means that they stand more chances of getting some new customers which is good for their business! Find the best SEO agency and market your business is the best way too.

Let's seo your website
So having SEO on your online content (website, blog, article etc.) we need to find out if we’ve SEOed it properly or not because there might be some mistakes or problems with the way how Google see your info. SEOing is always an ongoing process, because SEO changes very often and Google’s ranking algorithms are improving all the time. SEOing your site or SEOing your web page means to check it on special SEO software called ‘SEO browser’ for example. Some of these browsers can be bought (like SEOPressor) some are free (like MozBar).

Table of Contents
Always include a title tag
Title Tag or Meta-Description?
Last Thoughts On Title Tags and Meta Descriptions
Use the keyword you are targeting in your page’s URL
Include keywords in your meta description and title tags
Make your title tag and meta description descriptive and original.
Make your title tag and meta description descriptive and original.
Create a site map for an easier navigation experience
Sitemap organisation
Sitemap best practices
Adsense sitemap seperation
Submitting the sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
Make sure to use all of the major search engines’ webmaster tools
Google Webmaster Tools
Yahoo Site Explorer
Google Analytics
Bing Webmaster Center
Keep content fresh and updated
There are many seo tips and tricks designed to help with this including:
Link internally to other relevant content on your website
But what about keywords?
Other SEO tips
Do not create duplicate content
Make sure that the titles of any articles you publish online are descriptive
Article is the SEO’s king
Use SEO friendly words
Include keywords
Include words like “free” or “discount” in the title of an article
Rank High
Always include a title tag
By including a title tag, you are ensuring that Google understands the purpose of your webpage and can properly rank it in their search results. This is important because they control more than fifty percent (50%)of all searches made online!

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Title Tag or Meta-Description?
Many are confused about the purpose of a meta description. The primary purpose of this tag is to provide a brief summary that appears under your link in Google’s search results only. It should only contain enough text to bring someone who clicked on it back to your site, so no more than 155 characters including spaces and punctuation. To ensure that search engines know if they’ve found the right page, it’s best to put at least your website’s name in there and a couple of descriptive words about the content of your site – but not so much text that you’re looking like spam.

Last Thoughts On Title Tags and Meta Descriptions
Creating meaningful titles and descriptions is important because over time, both will become part of your online identity. Your title tag can be used in many places throughout your site such as in navigation bars and lists of links. Sometimes, it may even be used for additional SEO purposes such as archived pages or print versions of webpages. This means that the more concise and useful information you provide the better SEO results you’ll get.

Search engines are always changing the way they rank websites, so it’s good to keep up to date on SEO practices and how your SEO efforts will affect your website rankings.

Use the keyword you are targeting in your page's URL
For example, if I am targeting the keyword” seo tips ” then my URL will be seo -tips.html or seo -tips-you-can-start-using-today/.

Google ranks URLs higher when they read them since it is easier for their spiders to crawl and index your page with this approach. This means that you can rank your pages higher in search engines like Google by simply adding the words you want to target within your URL’s domain name instead of putting it at the end or beginning of your web address; all while making it easier for people to remember too!

Another benefit of using keywords in your URL is that they are usually short and easy to say when you tell someone about your site.

Using seo-tips-you-can-start-using-today/ in my URL makes me believe the page will have tips on SEO optimization because of its keyword in the domain name. It is easier for people to remember and find this article too, so it is likely to share it with others. If you had used SEO-tips at the beginning or SEO tips at the end instead, then there would be less chance of people finding and sharing my content since these words do not specifically relate to what is in the article.

Google ranks URLs higher when they read them since it is easier for their spiders to crawl and index your page with this approach. This means that you can rank your pages higher in search engines like Google by simply adding the words you want to target within your URL’s domain name instead of putting it at the end or beginning of your web address; all while making it easier for people to remember too!

Another benefit of using keywords in your URL is that they are usually short and easy to say when you tell someone about your site.

Include keywords in your meta description and title tags
Make your title tag and meta description descriptive and original.

Use SEO tools to get ideas for SEO keywords. SEO tools are great to use when making SEO content, because you get SEO suggestions that could be used in the future. These SEO are found using google SEO tools or other SEO suggestions search engines. Just make sure that these SEO are not already being used by someone else within your niche. SEO also helps attract visitors, which is good for traffic on any blog site. Description/SEO writing help will ensure all of this happens, while still sounding natural. This is even more important if you have ads on your blog site or website. It sometimes scares people away from clicking them if it sounds too spammy. SEO writing avoids this by not being spammy sounding.

SEO tools are very useful for SEO keywords, SEO writing, SEO content development, SEO suggestions, SEO descriptions/taglines/headlines, SEOs , SEO ing.

Make your title tag and meta description descriptive and original.
Use SEO tools to get ideas for SEO keywords. SEOs are great to use when making content for blogs, because you get suggestions that could be used in the future. These words are found through google search or other suggest-type websites. Just make sure that these SEOs are not already being used by someone else within your niche. They also attract visitors which is good for traffic on any site. SEO keywords help ensure all of this happens, while still sounding natural and not written like spam.

This is even more important if you have ads on your blog or website. It sometimes scares people away from clicking them if it sounds too spammy. SEO writing avoids that by not being spammy sounding and instead sounding like someone who is really trying to communicate with their readers/visitors. SEO tools also come in handy for seoing (the act of SEOing a SEO ), SEOs, SEOing, SEOing content development, SEO suggestions, SEOs descriptions/taglines/headlines, etc

Make your title tag and meta description descriptive and original.
Use SEO tools to get ideas for keywords. The words are great to use when making content for blogs or websites because you get suggestions that could be used in the future. These words are found through a google search or other suggest-type websites. Just make sure that these SEOs are not already being used by someone else within your niche. They also attract visitors which is good for traffic on any site. Descriptions/SEO writing help ensure all of this happens while still sounding natural and not written like spam. SEO tools are also useful when SEOing (the act of SEOing a SEO).

SEOs are great to use when making content for blogs or websites because you get SEO suggestions that could be used in the future. SEOs can also attract visitors which is good for traffic on any site. SEO keywords help ensure all of this happens, while still sounding natural and not spammy.

This is even more important if you have ads on your blog or website. It sometimes scares people away from clicking them if it sounds too spammy SEO writing avoids this by not being spammy sounding instead sounding like someone who is really trying to communicate with their readers/visitors.

Create a site map for an easier navigation experience
Google takes into account site maps, especially on large websites with lots of content. Though not typically a high factor in ranking, it can increase search visibility and amount on SERPs (search engine result pages) for certain queries and keywords. The Google Webmaster Tools offer a Site Map section that provides some insight as to how Google views sitemaps. Additionally, you can submit your sitemap to Google by following the instructions here .

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Sitemap organisation
Organising your sitemap according to page relevance is always beneficial as it makes it more useful for both users browsing the website as well as external services accessing the information such as search engine bots. Keep all pages relevant to one another near each other in the file – seperate domains seperately.

Use breadcrumb elements to show how your site is organised for users and to seperate the file into logical subsections.

Sitemap best practices
Provide a sitemap that is both accurate and easy to access. If there are links within the content of pages themselves, ensure these links are correctly seperated from those on the sitemap (and vice-versa) as they may be separated by search engine bots looking for such links. Always check your link seperation yourself or use an automated tool such as this one . Ensure that any linked files (such as pdfs, video files etc.) exist on seperate domains across seperate directories and can found through normal browsing techniques (CTRL+Click to seperate domains).

Adsense sitemap seperation
Google provides its own guide for seperating your Adsense code from other seperate codes (such as an Analytics code) and vice-versa. This guide can be found here .

Submitting the sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
Enter the URL of you sitemap in the textbox provided, then tick “I am not a robot” which is located underneath this box. Clicking on “Sitemaps”, it should load further instructions about what needs to be done next including seperating out seperate Adsense and Analytics code seperately.

Make sure to use all of the major search engines' webmaster tools
Use all of the major search engines to find SEO tips and tricks

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Google Webmaster Tools
First, I would look at Google’s webmaster tools. These can be found [ ]. Here you will find a lot of information about your SEO efforts, and if you did everything correctly or not. You should configure these SEO tools before doing any SEO work on your webpage because the crawler likes seeing things in their own order. If you follow all of the SEO tips that google provides then you can rest assured that there is at least one SEO software running which will do SEO correctly for you automatically!

Yahoo Site Explorer
Another good SEO software SEO tip is to go to Yahoo’s site explorer. This SEO tactic will give you some information which will be helpful for your SEO efforts. You can configure SEO tools like this with no effort, or simply inspect the code on your website and fill out all of the SEO fields that it provides.

Google Analytics
The third SEO tool advice I would recommend using is Google Analytics. This SEO tool tracks everything that happens on your webpage which you tell it to do. It can track how many people visit your page, what keywords they use to find your webpage, where they live if they are not located in the country you intended them to be in, what browser they use and much more! A SEO tip with this SEO tool is to enable links to quickly make their way from your webpage back to your blog or website, making crawlers happy. Another SEO tip when it comes to this SEO tool is to make sure that you have a unique title for every page on your site that you link in the code of your site. You can use SEO software like this for free, but I would recommend buying a paid version. Use SEO tools like these right away when beginning a new web project!

Bing Webmaster Center
Another SEO tool is to sign up for Bing Webmaster Tools. You can do this by going to [ ] and filling in some SEO information which is required, then clicking the SEO button that says “register for an account”. Once your SEO tools are configured on this SEO platform you will be able to find out a lot information about what is happening with your webpage or website.

Keep content fresh and updated
Search engines like Google and Yahoo use complicated algorithms to rank the websites they return in response to a given search. One of the main factors that affects where your website returns (or ranks) is based on how often you update your content. The more often you make changes and updates, the better chance you have of your website appearing at the top of the list.

There are many seo tips and tricks designed to help with this including:
Use keywords strategically throughout the text of each page as opposed to placing them all at the beginning or ending of one or two paragraphs without direct relevance to what follows it. This should be done naturally so as not to look forced or overly self promotional. Keywords can also appear within the first 100 words of the page.

– Include a long list of SEO friendly links at the bottom of each site to help crawlers index your pages more easily.

– Make sure all SEO tags are properly used and SEO html tags are correct for use on the targeted pages. Scan through these after completing a new SEO optimized post or page to ensure there were no mistakes made in writing them that may not be discovered right away. This is especially important if you have had others edit or add content to your site, as they may not know exactly what SEO parameters need to be met for top placement results from Google and other search engines sites.

– Use a keyword research tool before place SEO tags within your SEO content. This can be very important SEO tip for SEO beginners who may not know the best keywords to use SEO friendly links for specific pages.

– Link new SEO content with SEO related posts of the past so they are crawled more quickly across the web by search engines, thus allowing them to apply SEO tags more efficiently.

– Use SEO friendly words throughout your article so it is indexed easily and crawlers can pick up on them as relevant topics based on similar keyword density terms used in previous SEO of a particular site or domain name (i.e.: SEO tips and tricks).

– Find out where there are gaps needing filled within an existing site created on your hosting server which you had forgotten SEO.

– Learn about the different types of link building strategies which can be used to boost your ranking on Google and other websites that rank near you for specific keywords and how they work. This is an excellent way to attract attention from new visitors and provide fresh content while also eliminating the need for repetitive follow up posts in terms of linking individual pages on a site together which helps with indexation rates by search engines such as Google.

Link internally to other relevant content on your website
Google loves fresh content. Publish new posts as often as possible and Google will love you for it!

Also, make sure to link to those posts from your old posts. You can do this easily using the post editor. When editing a post, scroll down to the bottom and click “Add related content”. You can find all sorts of great things here: other blog posts by your site, popular articles on similar topics and even relevant products.

There’s no rule that governs how many times you can mention another article or product in one post – just don’t overdo it. Write naturally, sticking to one or two links per 1000 words is usually sufficient enough for providing value whilst keeping within SEO guidelines.

But what about keywords?
Yes, it’s a technical SEO tip but no one said SEO was easy. If you’re going to mention another article or product in your blog post then it should be relevant and related. Make sure the title is also relevant to the article. Don’t alienate readers who are looking for something different by providing irrelevant content!

Other SEO tips
– Publish new posts on WordPress as often as possible, especially if they contain fresh, relevant content

– Don’t link to other articles and products just for the sake of it – stick to one or two links per 1000 words

– Keep an eye out for people linking back to your website and return the favour by linking to them too

– Don’t publish obvious spam like “hello SEO agency”, use SEO techniques and natural language as much as possible.

Do not create duplicate content
Having two seperate pages that hold duplicate content or SEO duplicates is considered the same as having the same SEO on seperate SEO articles. It can damage your website’s ranking in google, however it will depend upon how much SEO duplicates are present. Duplicate SEO of about 20% of a page’s content or more is likely to result in some negative effect on your rankings.

Have seperate SEO for seperate pages. If you have SEO duplicates on seperate pages, you will want to consider merging the SEO of both SEO article into one page. To do this, use the same keywords in the SEO titles and meta descriptions of all selected articles so that they are also merged together. Then afterwords, update only one page’s old content with the new updated information.

Do not include more than twice as much content on a page as what is included in its title tag because google may think the contents are duplicated.

Only include relevant images to your article’s contents if it helps support your keyword(s). Google does not use image files’ ALT tags or attributes to help seperate SEO articles.

Do not include too many keywords in your SEO titles or it may negatively affect your SEO results. Keep the SEO title brief and only include one keyword phrase, if any at all. The SEO title should be no more than 65 characters long. Put the most important keywords first in the SEO title because that is what search engine users tend to click on first when they are searching for websites online.

Be certain that you have good content with your SEO articles so that search engines know what your article is about! If your website has a lot of spammy messages, SEO articles will not do much good for you because google will penalize you for having poor quality messages or messages that are SEO duplicated on seperate SEO articles.

All of these SEO tips will help you to improve your SEO results and prevent google from hurting your rankings in the search engine!

Make sure that the titles of any articles you publish online are descriptive
Titles of any articles you publish online are descriptive enough . However, if you’re still stuck for SEO ideas here is a list of SEO tips and tricks to make your articles appear in google results.

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Article is the SEO's king
Publish as many articles as you can. They say quality over quantity but SEO rankings were never meant to be fair. The important thing with SEO ranking is that the more content your website has, the higher up google will place you in their search results with or without a high SEO score. You may want to research SEO scores of sites before copying their work and claiming it as yours though! Once you have written enough content for several websites, release one site at a time if possible, remembering to make each SEO different from each other by including keywords where appropriate and publishing under a new url instead of your main domain.

Use SEO friendly words
Use SEO friendly words. Keywords are SEO gold dust and SEO ninja is at his best when using SEO friendly words to rank websites in google results. The more SEO friendly words you use, the higher your SEO overall score will be. Place these SEO words in the title, description and throughout your content for maximum SEOness

Include keywords
– Include keywords throughout your content where possible so google can find you easily for specific search terms if others are searching for what you’ve written about.

Include words like "free" or "discount" in the title of an article
Seo strategy
Include words like “free” or “discount” in the title of your articles if they are relevant to what you’re writing about. If someone was searching for free SEO advice chances are they will find your site using google search by clicking on one of the first few results. However, SEO does not recommend making premium offers as this may affect your SEO score negatively.

Rank High
Search engine optimisation (SEO) enables you to rank your websites higher in google search results pages, no matter what the topic of your website may be. With thousands of other sites online, it’s important to make sure yours appears above all others without SEO limiting its useful lifespan by coming up at page 9 or 10 of google – this will make it difficult to gain traffic and tips from visitors who are looking for your information amongst millions of other websites, so take action now! SEO power allows you to solve problems with ease, take advantage.

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It’s also worth mentioning that SEO changes all the time, so make sure you stay on top of those SEO updates. Good luck with your SEO quest! We hope this article has been useful to you and we always welcome any feedback or comments left in the comments section below.

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