in #seo6 years ago

Hello friends,

Today we are going to discuss this topic and resolve the exaggeration of our friends regarding the matter of SEO and complete tutorial about it step by step which will definitely help you all to improve your ranking on google listing.



SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is useful for those who have a youtube channel or a website and are not getting traffic on these portals. SEO is used for spreading any of your content on the internet that you have uploaded on youtube or on your website. There are some other platforms with which we can advertise our content with help of Facebook posts and facebook and google advertisements. But these ways cost a lot to a user to promote their content. So organic search could be a better option for startups as through this we can get a huge amount of traffic at a low cost.
For example, you want to search something on any search engine optimization like google, yahoo, or bing or type a keyword in the search bar menu of these search engines and it is the responsibility of these search engines to provide its users with a better website at the top listing, which will be useful for its users to probe something immediately just in just one click.


To prepare this list google uses its algorithm with the help of these search engine optimization with which if any user types any keyword, the related websites comes on the top list due to which owner of that particular website may get huge traffic which will surge the income levels.


So the first step to enter into this listing is to provide google information that you have created any website and this could be done by going to a website that is also created by Google known as Google Webmaster and the link is given below.

After clicking this link you have to provide details of your website, its category, keywords, tags, and description and providing these details google will be able to know about your website and if the website is worthy enough then it could be listed on the top page of google search engine.

use Google webmaster tools for seo.jpg

If we talk about YouTube that how people rank their videos at the top there are some things that must be considered while uploading any video on YouTube.


First of all the video and the audio quality of the video should be good and moreover the audio quality should also be considered and well maintained by any Youtuber to rank their videos.


Some other factors are like user interaction signals which means that in every youtube page there are a plethora of buttons like comment section button like, dislike, or sharing button and usage these type of interaction signals by audience assist your youtube video to rank more efficiently in an eminent way and will only get increased if your content and quality of the video is up to the mark.

Thumbnail of any video is the most important section to which Youtuber must focus on as if your video comes in the top listed videos on the youtube so the user will only select that video to watch which is having a very fascinating thumbnail with which user get startled and click that particular video and some other content that will boost the viewers on your videos are titles, description, and tags which may boost your video views in a significant way.


SEO technique is different for Google, Bing, and Yahoo so it is very complicated to get top results for three of these portals collectively as whole internet market is dependent on these few top rated search engines so to get top results there must be some extraordinary contents be there in your website to get top results with which viewers get attracted again and again to your website.

Keywords play the vital role in the world of SEO because with the help of an appropriate keyword these search engines automatically gather complete data of the related website and from there the game of listing and prioritizing the website begins.


Like this, we can aggregate a host of keywords by just typing the main words related to your website and then you have to scrutinize bulk of related words to be used while describing your website or you can make use of website like which will assist you for finding a loop of keywords from google list without wastage of much of your time and for probing the wattage of those keywords that how many searches come up from these keywords monthly and it could be done with the help of an extension known as


on page SEO also plays a competent role in promoting any of your website which is described as follows :

It includes the URL which should be user-friendly the main points to be considered while the selection of any URL is:
. The URL must be a shorter one and easy to get remembered by the users.
. convert the URL from http:// to https:// at free of cost with the help of Cloudflare.
. regularly check the loading speed of your website that how these websites are loaded in different countries with the help of websites like -

Another most important aspect is to the coding properly as numbers of errors in the coding of any website may lead to the fluctuation in the listing of your website by Google and it is very easy to check the coding of any website through numerous coding checker websites.

Bounce back rate is the most fundamental aspect with which Google makes the prioritization for listing its websites and this could be explained as the amount of time for which user stays on your website and then gets fluctuated towards anywhere else. The shorter will be the bounce-back rate the lower will be the positioning of that particular website and likewise, more will be the bounce back rate or bounce back time the higher will be the positioning of that particular website.

These all are the vital aspects of SEO. Hope friends you are now able to understand the SEO completely.

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