I’m a sensation seeker, how do I find balance?

I’m a Sensation Seeker /HSS! How do i find balance in my life?

It took years of test because I didn’t feel right and got the impression that there was something wrong with me. Only after my training as a HSP coach, I came to the conclusion that I not only was high sensitive. I was a Sensation Seeker as well. Finally some things made sense.

Typically me, the search for all information about Sensation Seekers started. You can find books anywhere about Highly Sensitive Persons, but so little about Sensation Seekers. I was so disappointed! I wanted to know everything about this subject.
One of the few books I found, started with a marvelous expression: living with one foot on the gas and one foot on the break. That was really how it felt for me all the time.

I compare my character and my body as a house where a married couple live in. The one being a High Sensitive person, the other being a Sensation Seeker. And in that house, conflict is never far away.

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-Always searching for new goals and new things
-Easily getting bored about what you are doing
-Being very persistent
-Fearless but knowing every risk and consequences if you fail
-Being more extravagant then Highly Sensitive people
-Being more out there in the world
-Always curious and searching for new ways to enjoy yourself
-Not afraid to speak up your mind
-Multilevel interested
-Strong willed

For me there are some things that are typically me. I can work for weeks, forgetting to eat and sleep. Living in focus of what I’m doing. Until I crash.

That is the quarrel between my married couple. My Highly Sensitive side needs rest from all those new experiences and my Sensation Seeker doesn’t listen. Face down. I should be time to rest, but my Sensation Seeker wants to get out there and get shit done.

How to find balance?
Like every good marriage: communication and trust on both sides. My Sensation Seeker needs to understand that my High Sensitive needs rest and a walk outside. They can compromise to make a walk somewhere they never went before.

My High Sensitive part needs to trust my Sensation Seeker because when it’s taking risks, all consequences are carefully been calculated.

So my Sensation Seeker can learn my High Sensitive it’s ok to grow and get confident. And the other way around that rest can mean an opportunity for discovering new ideas.

I’m a Strong Willed person which means that i don’t do something because someone says I need to do it. I dare to speak out my opinions and I’m nog afraid to explain them. I don’t like confrontations, I just want rest to do what I want to do. People often don’t understand what I’m doing whith my life (me neither, but I don’t care). I go where my feet take me.

Other Sensation Seekers who don’t have that Strong Willed attitude easily have problems with internal battles. They feel how they want things done, but they can understand other people’s point of view. And then they feel guilty and they get a very critical view about themselves.

In this fast society, a Sensation Seeker blooms. A person who is willing to take risks, always looking for new ways and is competitive is very appreciated. The risk is that you become a real perfectionist. Which is very tiring for a person who is also high sensitive. Getting sick or getting a Burn-Out is not so rare for Sensation Seekers.

Trust in yourself to find your balance in life and in yourself. It will make you grow, calm you down so you can enjoy life every moment. Not only for periods.

If you combine both characteristics, you will see you’ve got the best inner compass one can wish for. This is the best of two worlds!

