From Steemit's First Professional Hockey Player to Jeff Berwick AKA The Dollar Vigilante

in #selfimprovement8 years ago (edited)

Pitt Pens

@dollarvigilante To Jeff Berwick, those who work hard, and to those who hate their success. I would like to leave you with one of my favorite quotes of all time. I really liked Jeff's post on haters and success, and I too have seen that it is a huge problem with the world. There are many pretenders, haters, whiners and those who aren't willing to "Do Work" as Rob & Big used to say! To give you some background on how I cam across this quote, I was fortunate to play for one of the best coaches in the game of hockey for about 2 seasons. John Hynes, who is currently the head coach of the New Jersey Devils. I had a great relationship with him as he had a great appreciation for an underdog and hard work. One day he left this quote in my stall. I then went on to buy and read the book, and I highly recommend any of his books to anyone. From Jon Gordon's "The Carpenter,"

But I tell them, there's no such thing as an overnight success. The way to success is the way of the craftsman, where you work really hard for years. You show up everyday. You do the work. You see yourself as an artist dedicated to your craft with a desire to get better everyday. You put your heart and soul into your work as you strive for excellence. You desire to create perfection, knowing you'll never truly achieve it but hoping to get close to it. You try new things. You fail. You improve. You grow. You face countless challenges and tons of rejection that make you doubt yourself and cause you to want to quit. But you don't. You keep working hard, stay positive, and persevere through it all with resilience, determination, and a lot of hope and faith. Then you make it! Everyone wants to work with you. And the world says, "Where have you been?" And you say, "I've been here all along, and hopefully getting better day by day." To the world, you are an overnight success. To you, the journey continues.

Jeff, you obviously exude this! I have been a fan of yours for a long time. I first came across your blog when I was in college sometime after the real estate crisis. I found The Dollar Vigilante because my university didn't have the answers to my questions and you did. I wish I would have followed your blog closer over those years as I learned a lot, but I missed the early early boarding of the bitcoin train! It is no secret that those who are successful follow the code of Jon Gordon's quote, and there will always be many who just don't get it! To those who do, keep at your craft, and STEEM on! "What the mind can conceive, you can achieve, as long as the heart believes." -Steemit's First Professional Hockey Player, thebear


I think that quote speaks to focus. Focus is critical and without it even the smallest task can be a trial. The hate wants to distract you, to disrupt your focus, to insert fear and doubt where confidence and conviction once were. Focus on yourself, your project, your passion and ignore the hate.

Well said, I agree with you. Can't lose your focus no matter what, learn to harness your emotions because that is what's most easily effected by others! Thanks for reading. I don't really care if this post makes money I just wanted Jeff to see it because he has inspired me as well!

After reading Jeff's and your intro posts, I see the difference between you guys and me. I have a long way to go - in terms of working hard. I work hard but not as hard as you two. In my latest post, I gave in to convenience and bought a cell phone outright, whereas you might have learned how to fix the phone and actually do it. I got some good inspiration from you guys.

Hey thanks, it's a process! I find the more I work and learn the easier and more routine it all becomes. Has to be your passion otherwise your heart wont be in it. Working smart is just as important as working hard. Jeff has inspired me to overcome anything, that guy has been through the ringer!!! Thank for reading!

I hope he hears this, very meaningful to you I can tell by the post

Hey thank you, yea is there anyway you know of that I can like tag him or anything so he can see it!?

I just want to thank him for what he does!

Not to my knowledge.... sorry :( Be a nice feature though