You're Beautiful - A masterpiece in process

in #selfesteem7 years ago

When we look back on our life, it is very easy to ask ourselves where am I going?, what do I want to do?; And most of time a big queston arises... Am I the person who really I want to be?. Probably we might even think..well I just do not know how I got here. It seems that life is running ant very high speed, too fast and we are only living without a clue on what's going on around us, without taking a pause to think about ourselves. Nowadays, we are overwhelmed by so many things, work, home, children, obligations, duties and heyyyyyy !!!!!!!!! what happen???? We forgot the most important person of all,myself and I.

I'm not telling you to be appart or not pay attention to your closer ones, noooo I do not mean that, of course our relatives and family members are pretty important to us...but have you ever stopped to think a bit about YOU... your needs, feelings and emotions. If you as a human being are not feeling good, everything around you will be bad too, that also includes your family, your relationships, everything will collapse.

God created you with a purpose , we are not here only for living an empty life, to bear children and then die. Of course not!!! God did not created you only for that reason, The Creator of the Universe did not spend time on an unique masterpiece for a simple excistence, did you know that??? Indeed, you are here for something GREAT, that's the wish at God's heart with you. But God is a gentleman, He will not push you to do anything, He just leaves the decision in your hands. You are the one who decides how far to go.

Beauty from God's Perspective

Have you ever read this biblical passage?

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them". Genesis 1:27

So is, you were created in the image and likeness of God, then, definitely not to live your life as you were a plant or an animal. Don't you think? Look at this picture.

This is the life cycle of the human being, it looks simple, right? The difference is marked by what we do in each stage, we are the ones who decide if we have a GREAT or a DISASTERY life. This does not mean that we will not have problems or difficulties. Of course we are going to have them, the difference is precisely how we face the ups and downs of life.

When God created us, He also equiped us with all the tools we would need in our life, He gave us a mind, we are intelligent, rational, logical beings, with the ability to analyze situations and find solutions. He also endowed us with gifts and talents. Have you noticed in which area you are good at ?? What do you do better than someone else ??? have you exploited and enhanced your skills ??? Or have you simply put them aside ???

Did you know when we turn back to God's original design, things are just more difficult and looks like we will not achieve our goals? We see people who do not have skills for numbers, striving themselves to become engineers careers, frustrated and feeling down, just to fill a requirement or fulfill the dream of one of the parents, a situation so common in our societies.

It does not matter if you are not a prominent engineer ... And if God gave you the ability to be an excellent writer, are you worth less for it? Have you stopped to think for a while...if what you are doing is truly for what you were created for .... Have you ever tried asking God about it ???

So how it is that we were created in the image and likeness of God

You probably have ever heard that God is a Spirit. His word corroborates this in John 4:24 where it says ...

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."

If God is spirit and I was created in his image and likeness, then it means that God also gave me a spirit. In turn God knew that to dwell on earth needed a vehicle (body) and needed something more than was the connector between my body and spirit, then he gave me a soul. So I became a being of spirit, soul and body. In other words, a tripartite or triune being, do you see the similarity now ??? This is what is called the Trichotomy of Man.

Understanding the Trichotomy of Man


  • Communion with God (Prov 20:27)
  • Intuition (Romans 8: 14-16)
  • Conscience (Romans 9: 1)


  • Will (Face of Deciding)
  • Emotions (Feelings)
  • Mind (Ability to Reason)


  • Set of the soul and spirit
  • Medium for projection in the world

We do not live isolated in the world, we are relational beings and we can be influenced positively or negatively by the people around us and by the circumstances that happen in our daily walk. But you are the one who finally makes the decision to move the pieces on the board of life. The question here is ... Will you do it on your own strength or under the guidance of your creator?.

"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship" Romans 8:14-15

Remember that Beauty also resides in adapting to the Design of the Creator. So today I want to thank you for reading this post and I would like to invite you to follow me to continue enjoying more posts like these.

If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to drop me a line, I will be more than happy to read your comments and opinions.



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