Free Your Time, Free Your Mind

in #self7 years ago (edited)

Who owns your time owns your mind. Change your time and you change your mind. Change your mind and you change your world. - Jose Arguelles

[SLAV-ery was not a choice you psycho-micro chipped blood sucka emcees.] But your hustle is. If you choose your hustle then complaining about it is not gonna fix it. It will only involute your energy. I choose this path and I will continue until I am forced into SLAV-ery. I do not see that happening any time in this life. #Iamfree
A part of knowing my self is knowing my thoughts and knowing that I have a choice about which thoughts I want to occupy my head space. That is why in this hustle, I have a choice to think about how grateful I am to have people that would help me without asking for anything in return. That is Success. I choose to think about how I have the ability to imagine any kind of concept and it will manifest with little effort. It is so much passion in what we do. I prefer to think about that rather than about all the L's I have taken and pretend that someone owes me something, because no one owes you shit unless they agreed to. And even if they agreed to and you keep coming up short. Just know that it comes back around and if you believe it will come back for the better, then it surely will. That is Law.


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

Just know that it comes back around and if you believe it will come back for the better then it surely will.
It should be better than instead of better then.

no actually the way I used it was better, then not better than