How to be good at anything in life: 7 Powerful tips

in #self-help5 years ago

Success is in life is not what you have, but what you are.

Every person’s definition of success is different and that is the truth about life. But the thing is if you are a joyful person and not a miserable one (not gonna use good or bad) our definition of success is going to be pretty similar and I am pretty sure you will resonate with this article. So without further ado let’s get right into it.

  • Be nice:

One of my favorite quotes of all time is “Be someone who makes everyone feel like someone.”

This is so powerful. Now this doesn’t mean you have to phony and dish out fake compliments to everyone. Rather, just make everybody feel important and how their existence matters.

I know you must be saying right now, thanks for the vague advice Nitin, ‘be nice’.

Well in simple words be nice would mean making everyone feel important by remembering their names, remembering something that they told you about them and treating people the way you would like to be treated yourself.

  • Be accountable:

Accountability is very important. Whatever you want in life will be governed by how accountable you are to yourself and everybody around you.

As I said in my previous blog when we are accountable for our actions and we are doing something not only for us but others as well, we tend to follow up on our commitments.

Please guys I can’t stress this enough, you need to find something that anchors to your hustle.

When, you have someone who you are liable for, you will want to do something for them and also realize that if you don’t, they are going to suffer because of you.

Another thing that I wanted to point out and I feel is very important is, saying sorry.

Saying sorry and accepting your mistakes even before someone has pointed out your mistake is so powerful.

When we voluntarily bring it up the human tendency is to say oh it’s fine things happen ‘it’s not a big deal’ is the one I get the most. The power in accepting your mistake is unreal. It keeps us grounded and instills trust in the other person’s mind.

  • Write down your goals:

I mean come on guys every motivational speech you have ever seen or heard will definitely have a segment on this.

Honestly, I waited on doing this for so long and then would just forget about it.

I would be like, yea I’ll do it but would never get to it.

But last week I finally did it.

One of mentors took it a step further, he gave me hypothetical situations and different income numbers and what I would do at those different levels.

When I was writing it down guys, I never felt better. I imagined how I would feel.

I have attached a copy of it with this blog for your reference, feel free to leave a comment and if you need any help with making this work for you.

Also, write these goals down and stick it to a place you will see every day at least twice. I procrastinated guys but shouldn’t.

Here is an example, please don’t slate me for my handwriting and my sentence formation. I wrote all this when I was super excited.

  • Read as much as you can:

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only once.” – George R.R. Martin.

I found this quote while researching for this article and I am not kidding that I got goosebumps writing this.

I love reading books, especially self-help and biographies.

Reading takes us through so many emotions through ups and downs, through highs and lows, through knock-outs and low blows.

But finally, when we see the protagonist conquer in the end, it’s like we all won. It’s crazy man. It gives us hope that we can do it as well.

Also, we should always learn from people who are more successful than us.

There is a book on every topic and every skill. Being open to learn from the people who have already created something that we want in our lives is the best thing that can happen to you.

It’s like having a mentor, a friend whom you can refer to any time you want to.

  • Work:

Well, now comes the most important part, actually putting in the work.

We can write down our goals and formulate plans about how we are going to get things done or read as much as we want to, but at the end of the day it is all going to come down to one thing, can you do the work.

Can you put the 3-4 or 5 hours of work every day after working an 8-hour job. Can you do it on the days ‘You don’t feel like it’, can do it when no one is watching.

It’s easier to start but to keep up when you know the results are not coming is hard.

Another thing that I want to point out here and this applies equally to me is expecting great results without great effort is the biggest disservice we can do to ourselves and others.

We tend to compare ourselves with successful people and think why are we not as successful as them, often times the answer is simple, we are not working as hard as they are.

The fact of the matter is that some people are not single like me and have families and kids to cater to.

Family is the most important thing there is and time spent for family is never a waste.

All I would like to say is that we should not compare ourselves with others and the results they are getting.

  • Let go:

Yes, let go.

Letting go of all attachment, letting go of wanting to see results and letting go of experiencing failure.

If, someone is in it for the money there trade or whatever they are doing is not going to last for a long time or that person is not going to last for a long time.

I am sorry for being morbid but that is the truth.

If someone is spending 1/3rd of their life at a job they absolutely hate how do we expect to ever be happy.

On the other hand if we are doing it because we want to do it, the results will be different, not monetarily but mentally and physically.

Being successful is not about having more money (for many it is, including me) but being happy and content and whatever one does.

So, letting of expectation of results and just enjoying the process and be the anchor that keeps us tied to our trade.

  • Help Others:

I think this the last piece of the pie and the reason I really want everybody reads this post to succeed. If you are chasing your dreams, I am rooting for you.

I am rooting for you because I want you to succeed because you’ll be an inspiration to many people around you.

I think giving back is very important and is a stamp of a successful man.

Why do people love Bill Gates so much, because we love what he does for humanity.

At the end of the day people won’t remember you for the money you made but the difference you made to their lives.

Millionaires and billionaires get forgotten but the people who don’t get forgotten are people who lived for others, as they say ‘Gratitude is the best attitude’.

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