Is Co-Owner Scared of Segwit2X? Should The Community Be Scared?

Hi guys, I read a news today on cointelegraph about Cobra, the co-owner of & Bitcointalk appealing to the Bitcoin industry to hard fork again in case SegWit2x wins. In his words;
“If the unthinkable happens and 2x wins, it doesn’t mean Bitcoin has been “changed,” it means Bitcoin has been temporarily destroyed, and we need to get to work to collectively recreate it.
We won’t surrender and we won’t compromise. A new hard fork will be released with a new PoW algorithm and we’ll carry on as normal.”
From where I stand, the support for segwit2x is dropping gradually before the fork, and except for the replay attack protection that is not enabled on segwit2x, I do not really see any reason to be scared. However, Cobra who is one of the longest serving member of the community raised some little issues and he seems a bit pessimistic about segwit2x taking over or bitcoin not surviving the post-fork.
I am not sure if there is something I missed out from that news, but I feel the community should be more gingered and the last thing needed now is to start having doubts. Although, I understand that no one knows the future and we are very optimistic by not leaving power in the hands of miners and bitcoin companies, but it is impossible the unthinkable might still happen.
Do you guys think the community can pull through and overcome the miners and NYA or we can end up being forced to accept segwit2x? Do you think this would be an opportunity for Bitcoin Cash to trend upwards further as most users are now scared of what the outcome could be, which apparently have made Bitcoin Cash to have increased in value in the past few days? What are your thoughts regarding the upcoming fork in general?
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