The Famous Chicken Alfalfa in the House

Named for her fabulous hair do of course. I still cannot believe that one feather has never moulted off.

Trying to show her 'one feather'. Why the hell am I using a white background?

And yes, she was really in the house...
I See A Helper

Kiedis is learning how to put away the dishes, and today he took it upon himself to re-organize the pots and pans cabinet. Talk about self motivation, I was impressed. Afterwards he built a fort for him and Stryder to play in. Stryder was gone to a birthday party and it was really sweet to see how much Kiedis missed him.
He even made a card for Stryder for when he got back home, talk about Brotherly Love. They are 14 months apart in birth, and best friends. I actually can't believe how well they get along considering how much time they spend together, my brothers and I fought like cats and dogs!

I See All Kinds of Weather


A flurry in the afternoon.

And some sunny patches, great for chicken catches. (Above: Eddie with Hercules)

Buddy Scissorbeak with Dawn King behind her. Both ladies looking fabulous today if I do say so myself. Strut your stuff girls.

James Bond looking dashing by that mossy rock.
I See Some Beautiful Cockerels

Peter Parker with his mini lion's mane, colours just do die for. He got his butt whooped by his Dad, Mr. Pendock yesterday. It was really really sad because Peter doesn't hurt no one and Mr. Pendock made him bleed!

Touch my #chickenbitchez and pay the price. Parker knew the rules before he played with the big boys. -Mr. Pendock (The Villain!)

Big Smokie didn't try and help Peter Parker, he just stood by feeling so relieved that Mr. Pendock's wrath was focussed on someone else for a change. What a coward. I shouldn't call him that though, it's just the nature of abuse. Smokie has been victimized by Mr. Pendock since he was old enough to mate, we can't blame him for being weak.
I See Stryder is Home

With some pretty interesting party favours from the birthday...
More Flurries In the Early Evening

Spring Break in Nova Scotia...

I hope you all had a great day today, much love, thanks for reading!
Meester Pendock wasa workina ona my instruction, capishe?!
Petee Parker owa me money and needa to pay ora next time we breaka his wings.
Don Poltryoni - Loan Shark and Chicketta Family Patriach
Ahhhh thanks for letting me know Don, it makes sense, Parker always had a gambling problem...
Nice clicks. Chickens are looking good as usual.
Alfalfa is a good name.
Oh my, those boys remind me so much of choen and benny <3 same age difference. I hope they have the same love for each other as your boys <3
Poor Peter Parker:( Mr. Hendrix attacked Gerald the other day and it made me feel so bad for him. Such bossy Roo's!! <3
Awww, Benny and Choen will get along this good, it may be easier because they are boys xoxoxo
It's hard to not step in with the animals hey???
Boys do have strong bonds <3 <3 <3
Ya, it's so hard! I know you are supposed to leave it alone so they can sort the pecking order but sometimes they are the biggest jerks!! I've broken up fights...they get scary sometimes!!
Poor Peter Parker! Taking abuse from his father no less! You have a problem, Lyndsay! You either have too many roosters or not enough hens! Time for more?
We are planning on hatching Silkies very soon here, yes we will have more hens soon, but looks like nature took over because little Parker didn't live through the night. :'( :'( He was just too little to be able to handle the fight. Something internal must have been damaged because his head, wings and legs were fine...
Awww! I am so sorry to hear that, Lyndsay. He was a favourite. May he rest in peace.
Wow!Excellent photography.You are really creative photographer. Please stay with photography. how the beautiful natural view is! Very color full also

Good morning,,,
Looks like you could be having Mr. Pendock BBQ soon. The snow looks beautiful, especially against the thought of sun. I can almost see it peeking through.
.....pendock bbq, do u really think so?! 😰
There was definitely talk about that, Eddie especially is very protective of little Peter Parker. But we are attached to them all so probably no bbq lol :)
At some point you may have to choose between which one you'll lose if Mr Pendock keeps being a meany face. Although from an evolution standpoint, you'll probably want to let them alone and the winner gets to live. Then your chickens will theoretically have stronger progeny. I'm not an animal biologist though... I only play one on television. :)
Ah man you guys really remind me of my family .. we're always bringing our animals and chickens into the house! Last night we had a guinea pig having a haircut! the week before it was a sick duck .. and I've lost count of the amount of abandoned chicks we've raised by hand. Alas you put us to shame on the baking front .. but we're working on that! :D
Awwwww, how did I not know that you have a bunch of farm animals???? I knew about your cute DOGE but ducks and guinea pigs...and chicks.... Oh My!!!
Building forts was my favourite pastime too. Glad to see kids still doing it. 💜
I've been away from my Steemit feed for a few weeks and this post was one of the first to come up today. Nice to see chickens given the dignity of names. Peace.
Post #seewhatisee perfect @lynsaybowes thank you for sharing.