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RE: A Wonderful Time

in #seewhatisee7 years ago

Hi dear sir, Wish you very beautiful morning,
Finally you returned your home and it's good news dear sir, actually I hate these money slaughters really, I love to see you surrounded with flowers and nature and some spectacular view of road and aside to it beautiful houses.
Dear sir can you send me any memorable picture close to your heart and I will paint this one and send back to you, as I am little artist 😊
Wish you a very great and successful day full of digi profits.
With love and respect.



You are so kind to make such an offer to me.
I appreciate it so much. You are the first to do so.

One thing I know. Time for most of us is so limited.
And I have to think that for you. It is the same.
So, I will think about what I would like for you to work on.
Only if you promise not to let the work on it take you away from your daily life activities,
Any spare time that you might have to work on it some days.

Thank you so much for thinking of what you can do for me and others.
I am humbled by your thoughtfulness and generosity to give of yourself.
You are a great asset to Steemit.
You are an example of why I think that Steemit should do well into the future.
Good people doing good things for others as we have time and opportunity.


Sir thank you for precious comment about my family, it will be a great pleasure for me to draw something for you.

Wow. That was quick Mr. Francis.
You already know what you want to have painted for you to remember?
So now I will wait for your reply.
Then I will reveal the amazing secret. Ha
Thank you so much for your kindness.
I feel so honored.


Hi sir good evening, I am here tell me dear sir.

Sorry to keep you waiting.
I have only now seen your reply.
And I want to ask you a question.
Who has made the kind offer to me without any requests at all?
Who has consistently been following my work since she found me?
To whom have I regarded as a very good Steemit friend?
Yes, it is----you..........................
That is what I would like to receive from your artistic abilities.
And if you would like to use what you have already completed and finished from the past.
That would be OK. Just add your signature to it.
I would not want you to be spending time to do something that you have already done.
If you should want to special deliver it to me???
Let me know and I will provide an email for you to send it.
That isn't important........................
I just wanted you to have options on how I get to receive your gift.
Thank you


Hi dear Sir,
Good day.

How do I start this?
I had sent a message to you about 8 hours ago.
Just so you know.
Thank you


Hi sir I found your email thank you.
So sorry for late reply.