Anyone who's early for his business will not face security obstacles. Anyone who gets to his office before 7 a.m. will not have the pleasure of meeting FRSC officials on the way. Those who get bounced at events, interviews etc are those who arrive late. Refine your timing and no security will obstruct you.
Security men do not harrass princes and princesses. Looking good is good business, but looking royal is the game changer. Dressing expensively but respectably intimidates people, including security men. One of the reasons why lawyers dress the way they dress is to invoke intimidation. Try dressing like a lawyer sometimes; you'll very likely have your way with security personnel. Even real maffia bosses dress with class. You can't dress like a hoodlum and expect a 5 star treatment from security officials. Learn a lesson or two from the Royal Wedding. Refine your dress code.
The woman who speaks quality English with a security operative will 9 out of 10 times have her way. When security personnel hear your polished grammar and pronunciation, they'll have no choice but to ascribe a high social status on you. A man who switches to an American accent will likely still board his flight although he's late and they'd closed boarding. Language can be a weapon. Refine your language power.
Only a bold man will walk into a police station and ask to see the DPO. Many people avoid seeing the most senior operative in an establishment. Always be bold when facing security. Boldness neutralizes resistance. There's good reason why law enforcement officers/
military personnel are taught the art of audacity - fortune favours the bold. They are taught to bark like dogs. Refine your volume.
Note that these tips do not necessarily apply only literally. They can be used for all forms of security breaches, be it spiritual, financial, academic, marital.