10 of the most dangerous places in the world

in #security8 years ago (edited)

Before going on vacations you should see the TOP 10 of the most dangerous places in the world, you may change your plans after seeing this list:

1-Baghdad, Irak

This city has experienced three different wars in the last 30 years, the last one was in 2003 when the United States attacked the city due to the idea of masive destruction weapons there, weapons that were never found, this caused several terrorist attacks around Baghdad with a high number of victims.


2- Mogadishu, Somalia

In 1991, actions against the repressive Mohamed Siad Barre´s regime provoked a civil war that remains today. Besides crime , the city is constantly in emergency, more than 100,000 people have died. Additionally, according to international transparency within his global report on corruption, Somalia is the most corrupt country in the world.

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3-Darfur, Sudan

Is a region located in Eastern Sudan, since 2003 more than 300,000 people have died and 2,7 millions displaced as a result of the conflict among rebel groups. In spite of the Peace Agreement in 2006 and the development of a permanent government, attacks still continue.

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4-Alepo, Siria

After the war in Siria in which the rebel groups fought against the government, Alepo was becoming little by little in a target for the rebels, who invaded the city in June, 2012. Since that day, Alepo has been victim of catastrophic attacks by the Sirian army and scenary of bloody battles, causing more than 12,000 deaths, most of them, civilians.

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5-San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Some decades ago this city was considered like calm, but as a result of the economic crisis that hit the city after the hurricane Mitch in 1998 and the arrival of gangs like La Mara Salvatrucha and La 18 from Los Angeles in the 90s, this city became one of the most dangerous cities in the world, with an homicide rate that exceeds 170 per 100,000 people


6-Kivu, Congo

Is a region of Congo that has lived several years of civil war, despite of being one of the most important producers of diamonds, Congo is a place you should never visit, why?? there are terrorist groups and diseasess like HIV and ebola abound.


7-Karachi, Pakistan

In 2002 Karachi became the city with the highest crime index due to religious, ethnic and tribal conflicts. Therefore, it is not the best place to be a woman since 90% of them experience domestic violence, thousand of girls are forced to get married and there are extremist groups like Al Qaeda


8-Caracas, Venezuela

In the 80s Caracas was one of the safest cities of Latin America but since the 90s, according to statistics of the Organizacion Panamericana de Salud, homicide in Caracas slipped down traffic accidents like the first cause of decease, representing an increase of 335% compared to two decades ago.

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9-Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Located in Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez is one of the most notorious cities in crimes related to drugs, war among different gangs and ilicit traffic to the United States. From 2008 to 2012 the city lived its worst moments with a high crime incidence, this led Mexican authorities to take actions, creating Operacion Chihuahua, something that seems to be working and according to the latest reports the violence has decreased.


10-Maceio, Brasil

Besides being a paradisiac destination and its incredible beaches, Maceio leads the rank of the most dangerous cities of Brasil with 87 killings per 100,000 habitants, people involved with drugs can be killed for less than 3$ by a trafficker.

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Very interesting, nice blog.
keep your blogs comming