Crypto gets a lot of bad press as a scam : The upside of the transparency is quick, decisive action in scam detection

in #security6 years ago (edited)

The Crypto and ICO industry is getting a bad reputation for security risks and scams

The positive benefits of the decentralisation industry is there is no web of lies to hide behind. You're outted pretty quickly when the motives are nefarious.!

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Unlike the old school systems where webs have been weaved over generations of influence to create an impenetrable barrier to truth.
The transparency of the ICO and Crypto industry (created that way on purpose) means that you can try to scam but very quickly you'll be found out.
The security breaches and thefts all have their own story to tell in the history of how blockchain saved the world. Fighting off generations of institutionalized thinking and old world mentality, the decentralised community are building applications so all people own themselves, creating opportunities the world never thought it would see.

The 'outting' of the scamsters quickly and efficiently is a key to creating a world where Honor returns.

In the old ways we first have to prove it, have sufficient evidence, go to court, circumvent any inherent connections and then we may see a guilty verdict.

In the new way of doing things we out them quickly with zero come back on being a part of a system that cares for the majority.
There is balance in seeding out the scams quickly. Finding creative ways to build to ensure the bored and lonesome have a better way to spend their time than be reduced to creating misery and malcontent.

The technology we are slowly becoming to understand as Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Decentralised applications have already begun to change the way in which we do business globally.
Our understanding of our capabilities and the opportunities available using these technologies is growing exponentially by the day.

The Average Person is itching to be a part of it yet still half fearing the complexities it seems to involve.

The security breaches within the crypto industry are minute in comparison to those in corporate and governance globally. Sadly the old system is really not working.
Just turn on the news.
Nobody is happy.
There are atrocities in modern day madness all in the name of money and ethnic cleansing.
There is instability and insanity wherever you look.
No balance exists, except where Nature is respected.


Reaching beyond ourselves and technology to the basis of what Crypto Currency represents in creating opportunity for equality.
Which means we get a redo on everything.
We can either do it the Right way.
Or we can continue to idolise the destruction of humanity : Money.


People keep telling me I trust too easily.
So now I look for ways to ensure that I'm impenetrable.
That my security is airtight. That my visibility is limited to what I expose.
I choose.
Ownership of self.

Decentralise - Own Self

The word 'decentralise' scares many into thinking there is a lack of control. We've been so conditioned to believe that someone else makes the decisions for us that we cannot conceive making them for ourselves.
How fast is too fast to drive?
When do I become an unsafe, drunk driver?
Who am I hurting by taking these drugs?

Ownership of self means being fully responsible for all of your decisions;
the way you live,
the food you eat,
the car you drive,
the place you work
the way you treat people,
the time you spend online or with your family.

Being fully cognizant of every thought, decision and action and the repercussions thereof.

Do What is Right.

The global movement towards making decisions from a Moral perspective is growing by the minute as we witness unfathomable atrocities taking place daily.

Moral Responsibility to do what Is Right.
Crypto Currency, Blockchain, Smart Contracts
Decentralised applications and emerging technologies give us that capability.
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