in #security6 years ago

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For security personnel his the biggest challenges are finding the culprit of a crime, the area were the crime was committed ,the area were a crime is being committed or is planned to take place, the current location of a object of interest or the current location of a person of interest amongst others. All these will require a reliable and efficient technology to find this location and to be able to track it's movement or be aware of any changes in the location with time.
What ever this technology may be it has to pocess the qualities of; speed, reliability, difficulty to corrupt or change its information and easy accessibility by all from what ever location .
To all these qualities there is one technology which has it all in improved terms than the existing GPS and other technology (who's attackers have increased in population in recent times making it not so secure ) which we currently have. This is the XY ORACLE NETWORK (XYO NETWORK) .
XYO NETWORK system of location oracles which is decentralized and works based on the block chain technology. Being decentralized means there is no central authority controling it so hackers will have a harder time trying to figure out where to attack from. Further more the block chain technology operates in such a way that information stored in blocks and each block is linked to another so anyone trying to tamper with an information will need to do so also on millions of blocks which is impossible. Again before I forget it's open to the public so wrong information cannot be inserted.
The XYO network is made of four basic components
Senitel which gathers information from the real world .
bridges which gathers information from online senitels.
Archivers which collect and store information from bridges. And
Deviners which fetch appropriate data from the network in other to reply queries.
To interact with the xyo network XYO tokens are needed. The tokens are being sold currently but sales will end 19th May 2018.
XYO network can also be used in commerce, insurance and health
With the XYO security of our lives, our loved ones and properties are assured. The police will no longer need to tell us it, he or she was not found.
Join the XYO project and make the future better.
To learn more or to join the XYO project you can visit
Telegram https://t.me/xyonetwork
website https://www.xyo.network/
Bitcoin talk page https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3040825.0
Or read the white paper https://xyo.network/whitepaper.