
in #seattle7 years ago

I left for Seattle on March 29th 2018. The ferry was awesome – even with this older guy who had like odd breath? .. When we got to Seattle (we meaning the ferry, I travelled alone).. i got to the hostel I was staying at. Dumped my stuff on the bed I thought was mine – and took off.

I walked around the area I was staying in, went to the Hard Rock Cafe, and Target for a friend. I came back to the hostel, had a well-needed shower, and tried to sleep. As I knew i had an early morning the next day.

So about 12:30 – 12:40 in the morning, I was jumped on by some random dude looking for his bed. I freaked and shot up freaking out. Turns out I was on the wrong bed, but was never told where to go. Which whatever, shit happens.

The next morning, I got up and left stupid early. I left all of my stuff on the old bed. Went to Greenwood Memorial Park, to The Space Needle, Museum of Pop Culture, Westlake Center, Belleveue Washington to check Disney and that was a bust. Went back, bought some stuff from Westlake Center, went to the Hard Rock a second time – then went back to the hostel. I walked around a bit more, took some pictures – showered, then tried to get some sleep.

The second night I was awakened for the majority of the night by guys who were banging things around, slamming doors, and being generally rude. I gave up trying to sleep, stuck my headphones in and just lightly dozed until i had to get up.

When I got up – I had a shower – went to Ross and grabbed some shoes. Went up to Lakeview and walked areas of Lakeview in the years I’ve gone up there, that I have never seen. I was there from 8:55AM to 12:32PM PST walked damn near 90 percent of the cemetery. See with me, when I take cemetery pictures – I am super respectful. I put my phone or camera away when I see mourners, because uh, it’s just rude if you take pictures when someone is mourning.

I only walked 90 percent because of the mourners. Next time I will do 100 percent, even if I have to walk circles.

Anywho, because of lack of funds (really!) .. I didn’t do much more than that. I walked around – I went back to Target, packed my shit – and relaxed in the hostel for hours. Tried to nap, but I can’t sleep during the day. My knees were deciding to act up – and I decided to just relax. I smashed my knees on Brandon Lee’s tombstone trying to pose (yeah yes I know) ,..and I knew I had a walk ahead of mine.

So that night, a man logged into the room. He snored and farted all night long. Shook the bunk we were sleeping in – and I just said fuck it, I’ll sleep when I am at home.

This morning I got up and left at 6. Well, 6:15 if you count the shower I took. Boarded the ferry, and freaked as the water coming home was rocky as hell.

When I came through customs, I ended up being “special searched” . Not strip thank the gods as something started when I was out there… but yeah, A casual reminder to bring paperwork when I bring tylenol over the border.

Came home in a giant funk. It was because the trip was far too short, the time I did not have to myself…and the fact that people would not leave me the fuck alone when I was there. I think the next trip I am going to turn my phone on airplane mode, and just use wifi to speak to the kids.

I wish I could live in Seattle. It’s my thing, ya know? But getting a work permit, having to worry about the kids- just makes that dream less of a reality.

If I have seemed grumpy the past several days, it’s just post vacation let down and trying to de-tox from people , from stress..and I am just hanging on to this last bit of happiness from Seattle. I wish I wasn’t alone when I went, but hey that’s life.

I have so many other trips planned and trying to save for, This time of course bringing more money, because prices have gone through the roof.


Sounds like a good, albeit flawed trip you had.

Have you noticed the value of steem go up recently? I’m wondering if the bear market in cryptocurrencies is over after some rough months.