Sea water for the treatment of a cold
Washing of the nose with sea water is a treatment known since the time of the great Hippocrates. To date, this is a scientifically recognized method of effective treatment of the common cold, including complex and that important sea water treats colds. In addition, sea water is an excellent remedy for the treatment of an allergic rhinitis. The big plus of this drug is the possibility of using as a prophylaxis numerous colds, seawater is not addictive, unlike other remedies for the common cold. Already in the first minute of application, drops of sea water begin to work actively, clearing the nose of internal pollutants and allergens. Stimulating blood circulation, sea water forms protective mucus, which rejects various viral bacteria. The reason for such an active work of sea water is that its composition is almost similar to liquids in the human body. That is why drops of sea water do not cause allergies to various irritations. There are two types of sea water, which is used to treat the common cold. The first type is isotonic, it actively affects the nasal mucosa, but despite its activity, its action is rather mild. It simultaneously, dilutes, cleans and moistens thereby mucus departs gently and quickly. The use of isotonic sea water is advisable during a cold caused by colds. And if you start using sea water at once, there will not be a trace of a cold in the literal sense of the day. The second type of sea water is hypertonic. This species has a significant difference from the first, namely, the absorbing action of water components. It works like a hood, pulling mucus without disturbing the work of the nose to irritating factors. In addition, this type of sea salt effectively removes the mucosal edema, if any. And the last thing you need to know about is that sea water has no contraindications and is suitable for medical use from any age.
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