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RE: Seoul Fry | Screen Printed Sundays (Again)

in #screenprint7 years ago

Wow, what an awesome experience and an amazing image that you ended up with after the process. I really like that it is personal and tells a story with the model for the screen print being your sister. I once tried some screen printing when I was in school.... but that is so long ago now that I can't remember it lol


Yeah, I was pretty nervous when I started out because I was not even sure it was possible to print. But Sam and Albert really helped me bring it to life.

I had the idea in my head and was trying to use my own image for the photoshop and was failing miserably. And suddenly my sister's bald head popped into mine and I had to call her immediately and demand that she send me this photo. I agree that the reason it's come out so well was because the subject is so personal.

I really enjoy screen printing. It's meditative.