seventh day making handicraft creations in order to create a creative, innovative and advanced Islamic generation
seventh day "TAFIRA IV 1439 H / 2018 M" Alhamdulillah smoothly and enthusiastically, the agenda of Shubuh Shubuh Menjamah, Memorization (Tafizd Qur'an), Dhuha Prayer, Game and Presentation by Teenagers Al Mabrur (Committee) make hand creations.
if we are bored / saturated then to eliminate by making handicraft creations. therefore let us develop interest in learning the generation of Islam into a strong person and love of Allah SWT, Rasulullah Saw and parents.
wowww realy nicce job
Bereh that article
Makasih... Kegiatan kami anak remaja mesjid di bulan Ramadhan..
wow good job
love this awesome
keep sharing
@lokmanshretha thanks..