Apocalypse Free Write

in #scifi6 years ago

From the stars, this biologically advanced sphere appears to be calm, a soothing and relaxing example of life and civilized progress. For the most part, the inhabitants of this planet are completely oblivious to the event becoming their end.

Though a select few have acquired intelligence and know that their fate is sealed, know there is no chance of escape, and know it is too late to avoid this demise, and that alerting the masses would only be in ill deed. It would not be common knowledge of the advances the procreators of this planet’s end have made.

As the preparations progressed, the final moments of those who have received intelligence are moving into their final resting places in history. Only time will know what truly went through their minds, what final actions resemble the value of life, or none of which at all. They may have been in mid – sentence, expressing all the care in the universe for a loved one, or savoring one last meal, maybe even taking a final look at the moons.

Life knows no end to true beauty.
But, like the rising sun, this could not be prevented.
The Death Star fired its laser...
and Princess Leia fell to her knees...
