Icarus: Enigma Project Part Five

in #scifi7 years ago (edited)

With slow, possibly lazy movements, Xi stood, and started to pull off her old clothes. The mention of Major Stone made her pause and turn to look over her shoulder. Nothing. So she turned back to her task, the feeling the soft fabric against her skin such a welcome relief to the stiff and horrifying feel of someone else’s dried blood against her.

At his last words she grimaced, teeth showing, tugging down her new shirt.

“I won’t kill you. I know you won’t hurt me.” It was a snap of words, almost a command. She stood ridged, facing him again.

“I’ll go with you.” She ran her hands over her braid, eventually letting It fall to her chest as he laughed.

The laugh that came from the scientist was bitter at best. "About the only person I ever seem to hurt is myself - usually by electrocution or stabbing myself with some implement or other. There's the occasional dose of radiation poisoning, but that's a hazard of the profession, you like... sorry, I talk a lot, I know - feel free to tell me to shut up..." Was this nervous chatter, or was he always like this? He made a note to keep tabs on his words once he was done here.

Owen turned slowly as not to spook her when he seemed to have gained her trust. He slowly pulled himself to his feet and offered her a smile.

"Are you ready to go now? The sun is setting so there shouldn't be that many people around... you can spend the night in a bed and tomorrow we'll go back to Icarus?" he stepped closer and once again offered her his arm.

With a small nod, she hesitated, and then took a step forward, ultimately taking the hand he had offered.
Owens fingers curled around hers loosely. "Thank you," he said gently, although it was far from clear what he was thanking her for. "I must say, considering all what you are and what you have been though, I am surprised to find you as... Receptive as you are," he rambled cheerfully as he shouldered the backpack once more. He was glad he wouldn't have to reprogram her here.

"Stone wanted to send in the big guns to get you... But they were afraid you'd get hurt, or would manage to avoid them until the reactor in your neck went into full melt Dow- seriously, I need to shut up." He frowned as he guided her toward the door, and jumped as the phone in his pocket started to blare out a cheesy tune.

"Argh what now?"

Her hand quickly pulled away from his, backing up a few steps away. Her eyes were locked on his pocket, but her stance was light.

Owen continued to grumble as the phone blared out the tune, vibrating as well.

"S'okay, Xi. It's just my phone," Eventually he yanked out a small device. He held it out and hit the accept call button. A small holographic image of Stone appeared, floating a few centimeters above the device.

"Major, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Owen drawled, feeling himself hold his eyes still against the urge to roll into the back of his head at the sight of the man.

"That's General Stone, thank you. The president has ordered that the subject is to be destroyed. You need to back down and check in at Icarus immediately. "

"What? No! She's right here!" He shoved the devise towards Xi. She stepped back again, palms facing the image of Stone in a trained stance. Stone’s shoulders raised just slightly.

"Evacuate the warehouse; we are coming in."

The call ended.

Each and every one of Xi’s hairs were on end. As the call was ending she reached out, grabbing Owen’s wrist hard with one hand.

The front door of the warehouse was kicked in.

With that, she bolted in the other direction, seemingly not giving much thought to letting Owen keep up.

The guards were clearly audible, shouting and (she pulled Owen sharply to the left) they were shooting now.
Racing back to the other side of the warehouse she kicked open another door.

Owen had never been one for the more 'physical' side of the human existence: He'd been bullied to within an inch of his life for the fact that he ran like a chicken with its head chopped off. Limbs flailing all over the place. And apparently being shot at did not make things much better.

A yelp escaped Owens throat, as he was yanked out the path of the oncoming bullet. It was typical of the Major - Now General Stone to order them to shoot first ask questions later, not considering the fact that there was a civilian in the line of fire.

"Xi... listen to me..." he shouted as he was dragged through the door, stumbling to keep up.

"Let me go and... talk to them..." he wheezed as he fought to keep up.


Her grip on him tightened, and she pulled him down the back of the warehouse, thanking the guards for apparently not having the foresight to surround the building... or least, it didn’t seem like they had. She spun around taking in the surroundings, head swiveling this way and that. Another few shots rang out, Xi’s breath was fast, and she ran off with Owen again, down another alleyway.

“How does fixing me work?” she yelled to him, still running.

"You're really asking me to explain nuclear physics while being shot at?" Owen yelled back icily, apparently not very happy with her question, and ripped his arm away from her, coming to a stop.

"It a reactor - it fuels your cybernetics, but we could never get it stable. It releases too much radiation into your bloodstream and will explode. I need to access it, and re-calibrate it, otherwise it fluctuates between super hot and super cool bu-"


General Stone stalked down the alleyway with a group of men, all of them armed, all of them pointing weaponry at the pair.

Owen took a step back from her, hands already raising. "Look... I'm sorry..."

She had to force herself to stop, skidding in the packed dirt of the alleyway, as she felt her hand empty of Owen’s arm. She turned, now several yards in front of Owen, seeing the men walking up behind them.

Her pupils had dilated to points. Still breathing hard, she looked to Owen, and her eyes were burning. Before bullets could ring out again, she was behind him, hands deep in his shirt fabric, and she felt her forehead touch the back of his neck. There was a small noise from Owen’s throat, a squeak of protest. Her shoulders dropped. Breath escaped her. This was no shield. This was no hope.

She hung there, feeling limp, breathless and light headed. Dizziness washed over her all at once as her stomach rolled. Was this a tranquilizer?

“You better be sorry, you... you....” It was more of a sigh than a true insult, and after a few more seconds of silence from the men with guns, and as much of her legs feeling like jelly as she could stand, she felt herself slip off of Owen and fall to the ground, exhausted.

Owen was not so lucky.

The world had suddenly seemed to waver, the men with the guns looked shocked. He could hear shouting, but couldn't understand what was being said, no, couldn't hear what was being said. The world seemed to lurch forward... and they had gone. They were alone at the other side of the bloody city.

He felt her let go, and rounded on her. "What the hel-" he cut off, and dry heaved into the corner. Apparently teleportation did not agree with a sensitive stomach.