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RE: 'Helpful' Pesticides May Hurt Bees Instead of Helping Them

in #science8 years ago

This is interesting and important information.

It iis already clear that he problem is multifactorial, a couple of factors are already known (monocultures, late blooming cultures, neonictinoïds, varroa,...) the more factors we know, the better our chances of beeting colony collapse disorder.


We definitely need to explore this problem in depth because if the bees will go extinct then humanity will follow soon...

At the moment there is no risk of that happening any time soon.

Industrial beekeeping techniques (like splitting hives during the off-season, industrial production of queens, etc,...) are capable of replacing all the lost colonies on a yearly basis. It is however driving up the price of pollination.

And ofcourse, if the problem would turn worse, a time will come when we can't keep up with the rate of bees dying off, at which time things will become dire indeed.