What is beyond the universe(Part 1)
Hey there! How are you all Steemians? Today, I'm gonna be writing about some theories about what is thought to be outside or beyond our universe. Scientist all over the world has tried to think what I term the 'unthinkable'. The universe is like a balloon which keeps expanding as hot air is blown into it.
Our universe is becoming massive as we go, some scientist even believe that there might be another bang-this time the burst of our universe.
Physiscts have studied and also tried to bring up theories of what lies beyond our universe.
What is beyond our universe?
The "outside the universe" question gets precarious immediately, in light of the fact that first you need to characterize the universe. One regular answer is known as the observable universe, and it's characterized by the speed of light. Since we can just observe things when light emanate or reflect contacts us, we can never observe more remote than the most distant separation light can go in the time the universe has existed. Thist implies that the observable universe continues getting greater, yet it is limited – the sum is in some cases alluded to as the Hubble Volume, after the telescope that has given us our most far off perspectives of the universe. We'll never have the capacity to see past that limit, so in every way that really matters, it's the main universe we'll connect with. 
Part 2 coming up shortly
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hello vicky
I think we have common interest.
thanks for good post !