in #science6 years ago

Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT CLICKBAIT! This is a real article and a serious one at that. Please read before making up your mind. Thanks!

The Facts:

Let me start of with what we KNOW and by "we" I mean the commonly accepted scientific "facts".

1.) Humanity evolved from Primates
2.) The majority of humans (85%) have RH Positive Blood. Meaning they have the same blood (and mostly the same DNA) as Rhesus Monkeys.
3.) 15% of Humans are RH negative blood types. Meaning they do not share blood or DNA with Rhesus Monkeys.
4.) We (scientist) have no freaking clue where this other Blood/DNA type came from.

Source: Rhesus Monkey Adopts Orphaned Street Puppy, and It’s Just the Cutest Thing!

What this means:

Well simply put it means that 85% of humans share 93% of their DNA with Rhesus Monkeys but surprisingly they share 98-99% of their DNA with Chimpanzees even though our blood is different from theirs.

It also means that 15% of humans do not share their DNA (or blood) with anything found on Earth today. Scientists, as mentioned earlier, have no definitive explanation for this but the prevailing theory is that our DNA originated from an Alien source. No I am not saying science thinks we where created by aliens, just that our DNA came from the stars and didn't originate on Earth.

Among the more open-minded of the scientific community there is a belief (albeit largely unspoken/discussed) that Humans (all of them) where Genetically Created by some Alien Race of Intelligent Beings. With the most commonly theorized culprits for this being the Annunaki. They believe we where created largely because 97% of the Genes in Human DNA are TURNED OFF (inactive or deactivated) leaving us to survive on just 3% of the genetic code we contain. While Primates have far fewer Genes in their DNA they are almost all ACTIVE.

Furthermore RH Negative people differ in some major ways to RH Positive people. RH negative people are drastically more likely to have one or more of these traits:

  • A feeling of not belonging
  • Truth seekers
  • Sense of a "Mission" in life
  • Empathy & Compassion for Mankind
  • An extra rib or vertebra.
  • Higher than average IQ
  • ESP Ability
  • Love of Space & Science
  • More sensitive vision & other senses.
  • Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities
  • Cannot be cloned
  • Lower body temperature
  • Higher blood pressure (some say lower)
  • Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes
  • Red or reddish tint to hair color
  • Increased sensitivity to heat & sunlight
  • Unexplained Scares
  • Piercing Eyes
  • Tend to be Healers
  • Empathetic Illnesses
  • Ability to disrupt electrical devices
  • Prone to Alien Abductions
  • Experience unexplained phenomenon
  • Physic Dreams and/or Ability
    Source (for list above): Traits of Rh- Negative Individuals

Why I believe I am not human!

For the entirety of my life, that I can remember, I have felt:

  • Out of place(time)
  • Had a sense of a Purpose or Mission (although I have no clue what it is)
  • Been able to do things others could not
  • Had a higher IQ (at least before multiple head injuries) than others
  • Understood things differently than others
  • Asked questions on one else thought to ask
  • Gotten physically ill when those close to me where sick, sometimes in place of their symptoms
  • Have experienced "unexplained phenomenon"
  • Have felt like I had been "abducted"
  • Have had a lower "normal" body temperature (mine is usually around 98 degrees instead of 98.6 as most humans are
  • Had extra vertebrae (had an extra one in my Lower Lumbar Region - 6 instead of 5) and an extra one in my neck)
  • Had physic dreams - I have seen my own death numerous times in my dreams and years later remembered the dreams just seconds before I would have died otherwise.
  • Had various "Abilities" come and go. When I was 13 I could manipulate copper (as in Pennies) with my mind.....I could make them move and even fly around the room with just my thoughts. I have been able to communicate (to various extents) with the Dead (but not departed) for pretty much my entire life. I was abducted from my bedroom while asleep at 8 years old (only abduction I remember) by Tall Grey's. I can smell things NO OTHER PERSON ON EARTH can smell like CO2 and Black Mold - really isn't smelling them as much as the physical reaction I get when near them....I get a debilitating and sudden migraine headache when in an enclosed environment with higher than normal levels of CO2 or Black Mold. I have also had other abilities that have come and gone but I will save the full list of them for another post.

But if humans where created by aliens how did some of us become so different?

The prevailing theory, by both mainstream scientists and fringe scientist, is that a Genetic Mutation occurred during or shortly after our creation that caused our genome to become RH+ and RH-. However, I do not believe that is the case at all. In fact I don't believe that HUMANS were GENETICALLY CREATED by an alien race.....well not ALL HUMANS!

I believe that it is far more likely that Humans evolved from Primates, naturally but that at some point in our Evolution an Alien race discovered our Human Ancestors and either:

  • Mated with some of them causing a portion of early Humans to be born with the RH- Genetic Anomaly, or
  • Experimented (modified) a small percentage of our early Human ancestors and created a more Intelligent and Gifted group among the Early Human Populous that would ensure our Survival and Continued Evolution.

Many people believe we where created by the Annunaki as a Slave Race. I do not believe that is the case. I do, however, believe that they are responsible for the splitting of RH+ humans into a smaller subset of RH- humans as I outlined above. I also believe that some time after that SPLIT the Annunaki came back to Earth and used Humans to help build (the vast majority of) the Ancient Wonders on Earth. Like the Pyramids, Nazca Lines, etc.....but that is another post as well.


There is so much we do not know about ourselves, Earth and The Heavens that all I ask is everyone keeps an open mind and researches (for themselves) and decides "THEIR OWN TRUTH". I am also curious how many others, who read this, don't feel HUMAN or like they BELONG?


Make sure you follow me on Youtube @ VenusPCS!




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Whatever the truth is, the fact that we are all only guests in those bodies we call "ours", is shadowing the question who created the vehicle. I'm much more interested in the driver of a car and not the car itself. I took responsibility for the body, and I will care for him with all the knowledge I have, but I'm not the body. Thank you for your article, it's an excellent summary of all the theories out there.

How much love one animals loves each other But people never do that.

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