The Over Valuation of Mainstream Science - The Egotism, Lazy Thinking & Denial of Reality That Holds Us Back.

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Here's another example of how denial has majorly distorted life and the evolution of humanity... It's a pattern that many people are involved with who are otherwise capable people...



To 'ass-u-me' makes an 'ass of u and me' - as has been said many times!


Often it is assumed that we have no choice but to make assumptions - but as you can probably see now that this is being focused into, this assumption about assumption leaves us in a very questionable logical place! What if the assumption about assumption is wrong? What if we do have another choice but to assume? We do.

This post is not specifically about all assumption though, rather it is about a particular form of assumptions that relate to education, science, medicine and health. It is quite common for people to say such things as "We know that x/y/z is true" or "We don't know the answer to x/y/z". They say this as if they are somehow speaking for all of humanity and actually magically know what literally every one of billions of humans collectively know. Obviously, this is not the case - yet this dysfunctional pattern of assumption continues. Why?

As far as I can ascertain, the main cause of this lazy and judgmental thinking is an assumption that when truth is discovered, it always makes it's way into the public domain and therefore, that whatever can be learned from textbooks, universities and other common sources is essentially the absolute leading edge of human understanding. The judgments here are many, but the theme is along the lines of:

scientific researchers are not secretive and they are so honest and the scientific industries/processes are so advanced that we always get to know perfectly, the best possible understandings as a result of looking to these 'voices of authority'. if the world's well known scientific thinkers don't have an answer for something then no-one does.

There are so many flaws in this type of thinking that even now I find it shocking to think that so many are so naive as to believe the logic used here is valid.

Here are a few reasons why this is just plain flawed:

  1. The history of earth is full of examples of intelligent people doing research and then being murdered or blackmailed to have their ideas stolen or worse. As a result, the truly wise people do their research in secret. This has been the case for a very long time on Earth. They do not publicise their work openly usually and so you won't have heard of them (and neither will the mainstream researchers) unless they go off the beaten track.
  2. Following on from point 1 - The high level of corruption in the mainstream research world means that the spiritual balance needed to reach deep understanding is mostly missing there. This gives an additional reason for those with high knowledge not to share it with the mainstream. If an understanding gives access to increased ability, it is the duty of the holder of that knowledge to ensure it is not misused - which it certainly WILL be misused if it gets into the hands of many humans at this time.
  3. Even in cases where researchers do intend to share their work with the world, since it has often been the case that corporate and military groups make rapid moves to take their work and prevent it being publicly disseminated - in some cases they sell out and take high pay to not share their work with the world.
  4. Beyond the realms of typical scientific thinking, there are many researchers and individuals who access information and have skills which do not in any way conform with mainstream paradigms, yet they get results. These ones might not meet the rigid standards of the mainstream researchers for one reason or another - yet their information is sound. It is typical for many lazy and self aggrandising academics to reject information if it does not tick all their boxes, without even really looking at it. This is just another way that the quality of science in the mainstream is degraded and the 'world authorities' flush their greatness down the toilet.
  5. Many people are simply extremely dishonest. They will say one thing all day long in public, even when held up as being a 'world authority' on a subject - yet behind closed doors they will say something completely different.

In a world where we know very well that huge crimes happen daily, why on Earth would you hold the scientific community to a higher standard and somehow imagine that they simply could not or would not be similarly corrupted? Does integrity somehow manifest automatically with the awarding of a Doctorate certificate? Absolutely not!

The fact is that shamans from the South American region hold great wisdom about many things that only now are they starting to speak about to European minds. Part of why they have held back is because the alleged 'advanced' Europeans came and slaughtered them! Yet here we are, with closed minded Europeans still trying to claim they know best. lol

Humility goes a long way.

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul

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The arrogance of western academia is off the charts, I’ve said for many years that our own academics are used as propagandists against us by TPTB.
Sadly in recent decades any evidence that contradicts the current narrative regarding many areas of science is buried, it’s a scandal and a disgrace.

It clearly amounts to crimes against humanity, in that there is an active attempt at holding back the evolution of as many as possible who are not 'in the club' - using any and all justifications for doing so.
The healing of the Earth best not be late!

We constantly observe contradictions. Everywhere - in science, politics, education, even the history of the country is presented every time in a new way. On Earth, on a global scale, it is difficult to find the truth. Perhaps, as you write, it is hidden behind closed doors. Openly presenting the truth is unprofitable.

In truth, the truth coming out in the open is greatly profitable. Only those invested in control and domination will see their stocks drop! ;)

Oh. My. God. 👏👏👏👏👏

I am SO glad someone took the time to put this together. It SERIOUSLY needs to be said.

Great wisdom in full expression again from a friend.

I think any research result have these three stages to complete before we can generally accept them as fact or evidence... Hypothesis, theories and laws. Before they become laws, those assumptions called hypothesis has a way of conditioning our thinking to believe they are true, once their is acceptance, we begin to believe and accept them as fact.

That's why the future researchers discovered many faults with what has been regarded as fact by the previous researchers.

This is a pointer to the fact that nothing is true if we don't believe them and everything is the truth if we believe them.

I observe that absolute truth does exist and can be found, but we need to find it in a specific way that involves use of more of ourselves than we have been using (generally) so far. I KNOW I exist. So I can use the feeling of that absolute knowingness to use as a guide to compare to other thoughts I have - to find out whether I really know that they are true or not. Usually, the things we think we know are just beliefs and we can feel the difference between them and the absolute truth of 'I AM'.

Assumptions are different to hypotheses in that assumptions define that an idea is true, whereas a hypothesis is speculation that may or may not be true. Once a hypothesis is tested, then it is a step closer to becoming involved with producing truth that is considered factual.

If you think about the process you described, of taking assumptions and projecting them as facts - it might often be a process that starts due to a fear of not knowing the answers. Instead of just being ok with not knowing the answer, often our fear quietly tricks us into grabbing at whatever we can find (as if we are drowning and grasping for the roots of a tree). As tempting as it might be to try to find such a tree as we gasp for air, it is probably better for us to swim instead and move by the 'root' of our own power. In other words, there is power in accepting the unknown and allowing the process of learning to unfold.

Beliefs can certainly cloud our thinking and even change our reality in a way that has us being convinced that they are the truth. However, beliefs will pretty much always contain an amount of error - which is why I aim to remove all beliefs from my being. <3

This is a writing with depth. Filled to the brim with logical argument that even the wise men cannot argue. What more can one say? Thank you for providing this side of the tale/coin, its much needed at present.

Thanks again.

Thankyou, you are welcome!

Such wise words! It often get told where does my evidence come from, is it scientifically proven. Well no I often say but it works; the proof is in the pudding as they say. To often people follow science when you need to look at the funders before you even consider reading the paper. 💯🐒

Mankind has always searched for an authority to tell them what to believe in, what to eat, what's wright or wrong etc. The same thing happens now with so called "researches" and "researchers" that offer their trust for free while recommending them food full of chemicals and treatments that might harm them even more.
The scientific community is not made of scientists oriented towards the well being of the people, therefor they recommend what lobbyists and other wealthy people order. And of course they're paid for that. Work ethic is at lower levels with every decade and doesn't seem to recover or bypass such scientists thus we have vaccines killing children and food intoxicating us.

To be fair to ourselves - there have always also been people who see clearly and who do not search for authorities to tell them what to do. These ones tend to either become the 'authorities', get killed due to their 'different' approach to life, or just go unrecorded in history (by the authorities!).

We are at the point now where it will become more and more obvious that those who think for themselves live obviously happier, healthier and longer lives.. Provided they are honest.

You always put soo much effort into your blogs :) Thanks for sharing and keep up the awesome work :)

Thankyou - when passion is involved, the outcome is effortless! :)

This is very surprising, if academics teach the science of good and justice, then why the system and corruption is increasing?
In fact, even a doctoral academic when he became an official must do abuse of power for personal gain. In Indonesia, Corruption has been taught by the Dutch when they occupy our country. And inheriting corrupt behavior until now, our country is rich in natural resources but people live under the poverty line.

The only solution to this imbalance is to learn to live with balance from the heart. This is an approach that traditional, tribal groups have tended to understand more than the industrialised parts of our world - however, not everyone is heart centred who lives in nature either... They are just more likely to be more of their natural self, coming from a natural environment.

In short, it is not possible to know the full truth without unconditional acceptance of real emotions and intuition - which is something that many academics reject outright.

Does religion fail to improve human morals? Or is it the man who fails to understand religion? You are true sir, nature is the source of learning, but for those who believe in god and creation and prophets and apostles, the message they bring is to improve morality and maintain the balance of nature.

Balance is needed, which includes a balance of the masculine and feminine - or spirit and will. The spirit is the end of things that god, angels and prophets come from, whereas the feminine will is the other end and is the home of Earth, 'nature' and our physical world in general. When we balance these two, we have 'the best of both worlds' - or, rather, we are whole. Anyone can doe this - but we tend to live in groups who focus either on one end or the other, so not many people have learned the benefits of combining spirit and will.

The nature based forms of religion were largely destroyed by early christians (violently) and so we are left with an imbalance towards a limited version of (heartless) spirit. This heartlessness is found right throughout all religions (although some are much purer than others). Most religions contain truths which are valuable, but in general they are failing humanity in a serious way and we will tend to learn much more by living in peace in jungles and caves than we will do in prayer in cathedrals!

The Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an contain revelations for the guidelines of human life. Revelation preaches the beginning and end of the world, if only man guided to him this earth will always be peaceful and no one nation dominate other nation. Corruption also becomes a disgrace and destroys the dignity of the perpetrator. Christian destroys the doctrine of paganism, is it your fault?

Praying in the cathedral is a human appeal to his god.

I lived a past life in the christian church actually - so i do have karma with some aspects of the destruction that religion has brought, yes.

God is always ready to communicate directly with those who will hear - however, it is often the case that religious teachings have clouded the mind of those who want and need to hear and so they do not hear.

You are right sir, religious leaders sometimes hide treatises from god and convey their thoughts. That is why religion seems to fail to improve human morals. While some of us believe that the doctrine has been changed, and it affects the balance between man and man and between man and nature.

And do not feel guilty about what Christianity did in the early days of Europe. Is not the earth once filled with idolaters and god sent his prophet to order the worship of god.

The evils within Christianity have taken the energy of christ and made it very much anti-christ - to the point that the majority of alleged christians know very little of themselves, their light and the light of God. I do not feel guilty about it all, so much as I take action to heal it.

Wow this is great news , thank you . Keep good work .

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