DANGEROUS & FATAL Govt. 'Research' on INNOCENT victims in US/UK & globally. Eugenics, Microwave Mind Control, 'Chemtrails' & beyond. LEARN from the past & FIX this NOW.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Over the years, many cases have been uncovered of corporate agents and government groups being involved in planning, designing and carrying out dangerous and even fatal 'experiments' on innocent people who are not informed of what they are involved in. In some cases, the victims have been children in hospitals and 'care' homes, while in other cases they are the mentally ill, prisoners or just those who's homes are far enough away from public scrutiny that the perpetrators thought that no-one else would find out.


Not only does this occur with human subjects but due to the denial present in the minds of so many, this occurs on a CONSTANT and daily basis for all manner of other creatures on earth who are denied even more than the humans involved. The delusional and heartless justification for animal testing and for treating humans in exactly the same way is usually, at best, that it will 'protect' life - yet, even a 5 year old child will understand that you cannot protect anyone by harming them.

Is there an overall agenda for all of this evil? It appears that there are a spectrum of intentions involved, but it is clear that there is a continuing pattern of exploiting the poorer in society as well as those who cannot speak out to defend themselves and those, such as orphans and invalids, who no-one will miss if they die. The Eugenics movement, associated with the 'planned parenthood' group (with which Bill Gates and his father are closely involved) appears to also have a presence in this sick agenda to some extent. Frankly, in my opinion, the evils we have seen from World War 2 with regards human experimentation and genocide, did not really stop - they simply changed form and gained an air of legitimacy and cover behind closed doors and false claims of being 'for the greater good'.

Key evidence in the public domain

Thanks to the diligence of numerous individuals and groups, we now have admittance of several large scale programs carried out in the USA, UK and other areas of the world where agents employed by Government/Military groups have been caught red handed exploiting their position for what can only be described as psychopathic aims that care nothing at all for the people that they are being paid and trusted to protect. This makes very clear that the threat to humanity is NOT from 'foreign nations' at all, but is from heartless, psychopaths and that this psychopathy is not limited by national boundaries. In truth, limiting free movement by the enforcement of artificial national boundaries increases the risk that we face as individuals from the insane within the power structure of the nation which we are currently experiencing!

The evidence

The Plutonium Files

America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War is a 1999 book by Eileen Welsome. It is a history of U.S. government-engineered radiation experiments on unwitting Americans, based on the Pulitzer Prize winning series Welsome wrote for the Albuquerque Tribune.

The purpose of the experiments was to assess the effect of radioactivity on the human body. For example, between April 1945 and July 1947, 18 people were injected with plutonium by doctors associated with the Manhattan Project. None of these men, women, and children were told what was being done, and none gave informed consent. Most of the subjects, Welsome writes, "were the poor, the powerless, and the sick -- the very people who count most on the government to protect them".

Spraying toxic chemtrails over unwitting innocents was admitted by both US and UK Military

In this news report from America, it is made clear that the US Government/Military sprayed a chemical compound from the air and from buildings on the ground that appears to have been toxic for their own reasons. They claimed at the time that the spraying was to test defenses against Russian air attack - yet that was, ironically, just a smokescreen for the real intent. The targets for the 'testing' were low income housing blocks:

In an almost identical story from Britain, the UK Government admitted to spraying Cadmium Sulphide and on the ground and from the air over Norwich in the 1960s - again to 'test defences against Russian attack'. Both this and the previous case from America are so similar, that it is unlikely they are unconnected. The British government didn't apologise for this and even stated they would 'do it again if they needed to'!

US Johns Hopkins university and Rockefeller foundation accused of infecting 100s of Guatemalans with serious Sexual diseases without their consent

The medical groups have often had direct involvement in heartless exploitation over the years too. Not only do we have cases of extremely evil, deliberate TORTURE for the purpose of research being carried out against innocents in hospitals across the world, but we also have cases of people being deliberately made extremely ill and having their lives destroyed by the same groups for 'medical research' purposes. Note, that the groups involved are still to this day highly active, running government programs and in many cases living a life of absolute luxury.

The Guardian writes:

"Nearly 800 plaintiffs have launched a billion-dollar lawsuit against Johns Hopkins University over its alleged role in the deliberate infection of hundreds of vulnerable Guatemalans with sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis and gonorrhoea, during a medical experiment programme in the 1940s and 1950s. The lawsuit, which also names the philanthropic Rockefeller Foundation, alleges that both institutions helped “design, support, encourage and finance” the experiments by employing scientists and physicians involved in the tests, which were designed to ascertain if penicillin could prevent the diseases."

source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/apr/02/johns-hopkins-lawsuit-deliberate-std-infections-guatemala

MKUltra Trauma based Mind control for the creation of undetectable slaves

Of all the subjects here, this could well be the most evil and least well understood. It is also, one of the most admitted by the governments involved! MKultra was (and still is - despite claims to the contrary) a program run around the world, particularly in America, which took mind control research started in Nazi Germany and evolved it over DECADES using technology and some of the most sick and evil 'research' ever carried out on Earth. This is such an important topic that I am sharing several videos here in the hope that greater awareness of this barbaric part of human history will be better understood and will one day be required learning in schools.

Here, Dr. John Hall describes how MKultra never ended and continues to be deployed against MILLIONS of people today across the planet:

This older documentary exposes the historic information that is known about MKUltra:

Non consensual implanting of technology - including for tracking and remote control of humans

ICAACT's European Regional Director Lars Drudgaard was invited to participate as one of the speakers at the Open Mind Conference 2012 in Skanderborg, Denmark, September 20-22. His lecture is about The History of Remote Influencing technologies. He starts out with a brief overview of the milestones of behavioral research, and then moves on to the precursors of the infamous MKULTRA series of programs and their history and the capabilities and outcome. He then covers how these programs have progressed into the 21st century after they were exposed and closed down. The lecture continues into details regarding the modern day research in areas of Neuroscience, RFID-Implants, BCI's, Remote Interrogation, and Behavior Modification. The Lecture concludes with the history of ICAACT.ORG, which was created to uncover evidence on Non-consensual microchip implantation of human beings around the world.

UK MI5 Secret Service operatror exposes non consensual Microwave weapons test research

The ability to reach large numbers of the population via invisible Microwave technology has been too tempting for the psychopaths in government agencies and in this rare case, they have been exposed by one who worked among them. Here, (retired) Barrie Trower, a microwave research scientists for the UK government, describes how various pulsed frequencies are used to remotely control humans - creating effects ranging from sickness, to heart attacks and even death (without ever being detected):

How does the Eugenics movement factor in?

Here, Edwin Black exposes how the American 'planned parenthood' group connects in with the Eugenics movement around the world - including ties to Nazi Germany again. His book 'War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race' is a must read for this topic and from this we can see something of how the perpetrators of untold evil are justifying their actions to one another, while violating every ethics standard that exists:

What will we do?

My suggestion is that all of this evil REQUIRES us to conform to a template of artificial hierarchy, where hapless foot soldiers carry out the actions of their masters without ever really knowing the full details of what they are doing. When we all KNOW that such hierarchy opens the door to EVIL and we all stop complying with these pyramid systems, we stand a much better chance of stopping the evil in it's tracks.

We are going to need to understand psychopathy in greater detail and we are going to need to make radical changes, such that peace is the new normal and the will of humanity can never again be controlled by a small NUMBer of insane people with inherited and stolen 'wealth'. It will be a big task, but it is the most honorable action a human can undertake in this time period.

May we all know unconditional love, liberation and wellbeing!

THE MATERIAL FROM THIS PAGE WAS TAKEN FROM THE LONGSTANDING KATALIST PAGE ON UREKA. ORG, HERE: https://www.ureka.org/katalists/view/99554/exposing-cases-of-non-consensual-experimentation

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


Great post...here's another one...


Why do people have such a hard time believing this stuff goes on?

I'm finishing up a post on something I call the American Disease Machine, should be up tonight.

Anyone who liked this article should like it.

Upvoted and Resteemed



thanks for the link - that's a new one to me. the problem is that people are in denial and have been taught to 'think positive' - which to the denialists means 'ignore reality'. :(

Oh I have plenty more where that came from. Here's my Disease Machine article...


It's got some links to great hard to find books on the history of our healthcare system I think you'd appreciate.



PS - Yeah it's one thing to think positive, another to live inside a bubble while doing it.

thanks for the link - I'm really tired now, but I'll come back to it tomorrow.

Re-steemed for the really cool article. I've never heard of MKultra but I've heard a bit about the Planned Parenthood group. Grabbing my shovel, i'm boutta start digging.

On the topic of using animals, what alternatives could you see being used for testing medicines? I had to do a bit of writing on the topic a long time ago and I remember people were discussing micro dosing and a few other things (can't recall.) Maybe a supercomputer?

Thanks for assisting here. The issue of health and how to achieve it - with reference to animal testing - requires a significant shift in understanding of numerous areas of life. In short, there is nothing we need to know about healing that we cannot learn internally through carefully listening to our needs. Those who do learn to increase their receptivity to internal awareness will find that their body will ask for relatively simple things that have been missing, such as particular foods or exercise or some other natural thing. The body will never ask for synthetic drugs, makeup or anything else that people test on animals.
So my suggestion is to understand that real healing has nothing to do with remedial medicine that seek to suppress symptoms and to drop all animal testing completely.
I've made a few posts here on this topic - but this recent one about cancer makes the case to demonstrate pretty well how the pharma industry is little more than a vampiric exploiter of suffering: https://steemit.com/health/@ura-soul/cancer-can-be-healed-without-chemotherapy-correct-nutrition-lifestyle-changes-detox-and-environmental-changes-are-required

I read the article, I just didn't watch the vids in it (YET!!). I've long thought about being conscious of the body and that when my food choices start to go down the drain it bogs me down in my daily routine/focus/even exercise. I know that the pharma industry preys on the sick for their easy dollars, but I'm not sure if the body would never "ask" for any kind of "synthetic drugs," but I'm not really educated enough on this to back myself up haha.

What you posted about cancer was really eye-opening though and I clearly have a lot of reading to do. Cheers!

our bodies are designed to be entirely self healing and when that process fails it is usually due to a decision we are making that is stopping the healing process from succeeding. if we are fully unified internally - connecting all our facets as one, for example the mind and body as one - then there is no problem, however, most of us are not that way and so our mental aspects which are usually designated as 'decision maker' must learn now to listen to the other voices inside for us to have balance.
'yoga' literally translates to 'union' for this reason. ;)

@ura-soul what a great article, possibly one of the best that I've read so far on Steemit. We cannot bury our heads in the sand whilst all this is happening around us. It is all out 'war against the weak'. But who gave these people the mandate to harm our brothers and sisters in the name of progress or science or whatever? We must resist!

Thanktou! Yes, it is so sad that so many of the upvoted posts on Steemit are of almost no value to humanity yet these topics go under the radar.. Maybe denial is the problem.. We would rather be re-assured that 'everything is ok' - instead of dealing with reality. Gradually those of us who intend to live life will end denial and this will all be out in the light in full. <3

SteemIt is the best community around the globe so far. As of now the youth of today has been too busy wasting their time onto social networks that add to nothing except wasting precious hours of the day.

Whereas SteemIt is a total different story. You do what you like best BLOGGING and still get paid sitting at your homes.

the money surely does help to motivate creators!

Damn. The first picture remainds me about epidural anesthesia performed before the surgery I was subjected to a while ago!😞

well, not all 'men in white coats' are evil - but it's always best to take all the preventative action you can!

This post received a 2.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! For more information, click here!