Science Can Help You Improve Your Memory ! 5 Ways To Improve Your MemorysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Memory is one of the most important part of the human mind, it has the ability to define each one of us based on the experiences we went through that will influence our future actions and decisions. Try to imagine for a second that you lost your memory, would you still be the same ? Absolutely Not ! If you lost your memory, everything that passed through your life would be gone relative to you, all the happy things you achieved in your life your old emotions your family your friends will not be the same anymore. 

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Memory is the part of the mind where information is encoded, your memory strength is mainly based on the health of your brain, and in order to make your brain healthy, you have to change your lifestyle in order to achieve a process known as neuroplasticity which is the growth of new neurons. Thus, the memory center known as the brain’s hippocampus will naturally regenerates if given the right tools.

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5 Steps to Improve Your Memory :

  1.   Stop Multitasking : researches shows that an average person need about 8 seconds to receive a single piece of information into your memory, so when doing simultaneously many tasks as quickly as possible you will start making error and multitasking will slow you down and make you forget things. So what you have to do in order to improve your memory is completely the opposite of multitasking, it is called mindfulness which will make your focus ability more powerful, meditation is a good brain exercise that will relax your mind and will stop it from wondering about distracting thoughts, so consider meditating at least 10 minutes a day. One more tip, try to focus on one thing at a time in your everyday tasks.
  2. Eat Right : what you eat not only affect your physical body, it affects your brain too. Consider eating fresh vegetables and avoiding sugar. These foods : curry, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and walnuts can help your brain with producing new cells because of the antioxidants contained in them,plus it will protect your brain health.
  3.  Exercise : physical exercises increase the work capacity of your brain by simulating nerve cells to multiply. Exercising regularly strengthen the nerve cells connection and protect them from damage plus it will improve the blood flow to the brain that will improve the cognitive functions of your brain. The exercises recommended are: stretching -  strength training  - core workout
  4. Sleep More : sleeping for 7-8 hours a day can help with neuron production and brain growth. Synaptic connections are strengthened while sleeping and your performance will be improved the next day. Naps can boost your brain power.
  5. Learn A New Skill : Consider mastering a new skill that must hold your attention. The task has to be important to you, meaningful or interesting, in order to lower the stress level and reduce the risk of dementia. While a new task will  stimulates your neurological system 

P.S : all of the above methods are scientifically proven ! 

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Awesome! Thank you for creating awareness about this important topic and I would say more. It's not only your memory what you will improve following these advices, but the general quality of your life.

I used to do all those things above wrong, I didn't exercise enough, I didn't eat properly, multitasking, not enough sleep...and I mess up in several areas of my life. Luckily I put my shit together and everything changes for me for the best. Thanks again for sharing ^^

Exactly, it is a lifestyle, I am happy for you and thanks for reading :)

Will try to remember all that!

Try writing these tips on a paper in will strengthen your memory too :)

Good post but I am always sceptic when I read "scientifically proven" with no references cited :)

I just started to put references in my new posts, by the way I edited the post you can check the reference up here !