Ever thought of building a $ 20,000 telescope in your front yard?

in #science8 years ago


See the article published by ttps: //www.tecmundo.com.br. A cool site about technology and innovation.


(Image source: Reproduction / That_Telescope_Guy)

Check out the full story below

One of the great secrets of Area 42 is to show you how to build creative solutions from materials available in your home - almost MacGyver-style to be. However, there is always someone able to show that you will never be good enough. After all, when did you imagine building a $ 20,000 telescope in your garden?
That's exactly what a Reddit site user did. Amidst a discussion of space photos, someone started sending out excellent quality images and claimed that they were all taken from amateur equipment. Of course, people soon clogged him with questions to verify the veracity of the information and find out how it was done.

The mysterious builder then revealed himself as a mechanical engineer who, thanks to his passion for astronomy, devoted no less than 30 years to building a telescope that left nothing to be desired by much professional material. Throughout all that time, he has pooled money to buy the different types of materials needed, including pieces of $ 10,000 - about $ 20,000 in current prices - which has allowed for an incredible level of quality.
To get an idea of ​​the care that the engineer had in his work, he explains that the device has several mechanisms of rotation, which allows it to accompany and compensate the movements of the Earth when registering an image of the cosmos. The result you check in the photos that illustrate this news.

See the wonderful photos of this telescope








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wow amazing.

Very good even, researching a little more gives to make one with more affordable cost