The next little ice age Vol. 15steemCreated with Sketch.

in #science8 years ago (edited)

The next little ice age Vol. 15

August 9-2017

Good morning, afternoon, night depending on where the reader is. We start with the sunspots as always. The 2670 sunspot is no longer geo-effective and keeps its magnetic field stable and does not pose a major threat to the Earth. In a few days the solar disk will be visible empty.
Source sdo nasa.

The huge coronal hole that has been sending fast solar wind to the earth leaves the visible solar disk and gives way to another coronal hole in the Equatorial zone of the sun. We will begin to notice the rapid solar wind coming from the coronal hole from August 11.

Source sdo nasa.

Summary :At this moment the Earth has already come out of the solar wind fast and the conditions are calm. The solar wind is at 410km / sec and the density of protons is at 7 protons per cubic centimeter.
Source ccmc nasa.

In the chart at the bottom we can see how our magnetosphere behaves under these conditions.
Source ccmc nasa.

-Small explanation of the reading of the graph:
In this graph the Sun is on the right the earth is the two-colored sphere (white and black) the dotted line is the orbit of the satellites that perform the readings. The solar wind arrives from the right pushing the lines of the magnetic field towards behind. If the lines are black the particles of the solar wind are pushed back and if they are red it is because the solar wind pushes them and collide. When they collide with each other, they close the circuit and discharge to the earth. They produce light phenomena in the upper layers of the atmosphere (auroras boreales)

*Today we must also highlight a 6.5 earthquake in China. At least eight people have died and 100 tourists are trapped in a popular tourist spot after the magnitude 6.5 quake in the Jiuzhaigou region.


This is the summer they have had in Montreal.Since May 1st, Montreal's Trudeau Airport has recorded precipitation of a trace or more, on 65 of the last 100 days through August 8. On many of the other days, the weather has been overcast and cool.

And about USA
The different shades of blue and green highlight the regions where the colder temperatures than the seasonal ones have dominated, while the different shades of orange and red represent temperatures warmer than normal so far in August.
Source The Weather Network.

As we can clearly see in the temperature map all North America except the Pacific coast are with below average temperatures.

At this time of year if the forecast of the meteorological organisms that use the models of the global warming was being fulfilled the map of North America would be orange with the red strip of the United States of red color. It is a very simple explanation, I know, but it is the most visual way to explain it. Just look at the map to realize that the global warming model is not being met.
What do you think?
All opinions are important to me.

If you found the post informative and you liked it please upvote! Feel free to restreem!

If you want to continue discovering more about our sun, follow me.You can also read my previous post.

*I advise you to read my previous posts in which I contributed data from recently published studies.

** I would like to make it clear that this series of articles is not intended to be a scientific document. It is a blog about the daily Solar activity and its possible effects for us humans. Since the Solar activity can have a great impact in different aspects of our life (changes in the climate, increase of the vulcanology and the seismicity, the UV radiation and damage the electrical systems and of telecommunications)

Thank you very much for the code to @playfulfoodie

Gift-thanks to @Son-of-Satire


excellent writing

Thank you very much, little by little I'm trying to improve my post.

Global Warming Idiot 1 : Uh oh... August is cooler than normal across the USA
Global Warming Idiot 2 : Quick! Let's focus on only warmer than normal spots!
GWI1 : Brilliant!

3 months later

GWI1 : Uh oh...the entire planet is cooler than normal.
GWI2 : No problem. We just say that it is still "climate change" and that man is still the cause for the warming and now the cooling.
GWI1: Brilliant!

Yes, It looks like a speech from the cabin of the Marx brothers . Lol.
Either way, time plays in our favor, we just have to continue with our life as we watch as the announced trend is moving away.
And of course we'll keep writing about it.

Ooo...looks like BlockTrades gave you some upvote love.

Yes, I'm still in shock. For someone like me who had never written a blog is impressive. For a few minutes I thought there was some mistake. It's fantastic that I have given upvote and I do not say it for the money I'm going 100% power, I say because of the visibility that is going to give to my blog.From the heart I will always be grateful to him.
But anyway I have to thank you also and Builderofcastle for reading me and commenting daily in my articles contributing important data that I miss. Also to my other readers who come in from time to time. Thank you very much really.

No problem.
If only my upvotes would get some attention, like BlockTrades upvotes do.

What do solar winds do? and why do you start with sunspots? very interesting and excellent. I don't think that cool weather contradicts global warning because weather just becomes really irradiate and unpredictable.

As it depends on the time to which we are exposed to the solar wind fast and whatever its speed we can have problems in satellites and some blackouts of radio in the cases like the one of the last week. Even more serious problems such as electromagnetic storms so impressive would make the "carrington event" look like a minor incident.
I start with the sunspots because they first fascinate me, the magnetic complexity they have and their huge size compared to Earth and they are observable from the earth therefore we have a great observed period to be able to compare the different solar cycles.
Also because they can be the cause of major solar events. CME'S, EMP'S of sufficient size and power to destroy the Earth's atmosphere of a shot. At the most extreme ends I mean.
Follow me and we will see together what the trend is .. I am also preparing post that I think will be very interesting.