The Collapse of The Universe

in #science6 years ago


According to Modern Science, our universe will come to an end. Scientists have discovered that the collapse of the universe is faster than previous calculations, collapse can happen tomorrow, or perhaps in the next billion years. Physicists have long predicted that the Universe will someday collapse and that everything in it will be compressed into a super solid little ball. The new calculations from physicists at the University of Southern Denmark have now confirmed these predictions and they also conclude that the risk of collapse is even greater than previously thought.

In their study of Jagat Raya, scientists from the University of Southern Denmark describe an event known as the "phase transition". the phase transition occurs when the Higgs Boson particle value changes which result in the mass of every particle in the Universe being millions to billions of times greater. As a result, there will be an increase in the mass of elements in the Universe and will push everything closer to a point, called Singularity. After that everything will disappear.

The Higgs Boson particle was discovered on July 4, 2012, in Geneva - Switzerland. This particle is a particle that gives mass to matter. While in the formation of the Universe (cosmological process), the force of gravity is the most important force in the cosmic scale. But gravity occurs because particles have mass. If for example, the mass does not exist, then the atom will not be formed. Furthermore, larger units such as molecules, planets, galaxies. stars and the Universe also will not be formed.

The Destruction of the Universe and Space-Time

The doomsday situation developed by Danish scientists is called "The Big Slurp". The basis for Big Slurp's development is Higgs Boson, which is a particle that is thought to play a role in giving mass to basic elements.

Big Slurp will occur when there is a drastic shift in the order of the Universe because of the phase transition, resulting in an increase in mass on every particle in the Universe into the millions to billions of times, so too the earth, planets, sun, stars, galaxy-galaxy all will experience massive mass swelling, thereby pushing everything close together, this vast universe is shrinking into small, very small but with very large masses.

This process is theoretically the reverse as the Inflation process at the time of Big Bang is a powerful explosion process at the beginning of creation from the birth of the Universe. In the end, the Universe will become a very dense point called Singularity. After that everything will disappear, even in the end the Space-Time disappears.

The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it. (Surah al-Anbiya ': 104).

Best Regard @t4r1

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