The Ultimate "Flow": Scientists Find Out That Peak Experiences (Like Surfing) Can Prevent SuicidesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago (edited)
There is a light at the end of every tunnel. Some tunnels just happen to be longer than others. - Ada Adams

That tunnel could also be a tube, Ada.

But how would you explain to a person that has never been surfing the merits of getting tubed?

Well according to several scientists you don't even need to be a surfer to achieve that specific state of mind - to find your own light at the end of the tunnel.

The American psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow used to call these states 'Peak Experience'. He was convinced that these type of situations could make life extraordinary valuable by their occasional occurrence, that they gave meaning to life itself and proved it to be worthwhile.

He wasn't the only one who investigated into that direction.

It seems that these peak experiences are even more contributive to our survival than one might actually believe!

@surfermarly living a 'peak experience' in Maldives (August 2017)

Seeking the peak

The so called 'flow state' is a time in which, whether in a physical or mental capacity, a person finds themselves capable of otherworldly speed, clarity, and efficiency in their work.

Stephen Kotler added in his book The Rise Of Superman: "It's a moment where a person's true potential is unlocked." (Source)

It turns out that this special human phenomenon also known as the zone is more frequently lived by action sports athletes (including surfers) than by any other group of people in the world.

According to Kotler, it’s imperative for our survival, especially when surfing waves outside our comfort zone.

Thus, the more we push ourselves in the water, the happier we should be as humans.

Seeking the flow - the zone - is an essential part of the surfing experience.

The generic driver to happiness

The Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi discovered that the happiest people on earth were those who had the most peak (flow) experiences:

The feeling didn’t come when they were relaxing, when they were taking drugs or alcohol, or when they were consuming the expensive privileges of wealth. Rather, it often involved painful, risky, difficult activities that stretched the person’s capacity and involved an element of novelty and discovery. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Source)

Stretching our capacity, stepping out of the comfort zone in order to fuel self-esteem is one key to personal satisfaction in life.

TED Talk: "Flow, the secret to happiness" (18 min.)

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi states that money cannot make us happy. He looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."

In a reverse conclusion, when peaks reinforce our mental well-being, the're able to prevent mental distortion.

That's also what Abraham Harold Maslow found out.

The peak experience is felt as a self-validating, self-justifying moment... It is felt to be a highly and uniquely valuable experience. (...) They prove life to be worthwhile. To say this in a negative way, I would guess that peak experiences help to prevent suicide.

We don't even need to be a surfer to experience the peak.

It's inside all of us, and it can be discovered everywhere and at any time.

The great lesson from the true mystics is that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one's daily life, in one's neighbors, friends, and family, in one's backyard. - Abraham Harold Maslow [Source]

Go for it, steemians!

Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget to visit my new site

Sources: Paul Walker quote found on and Kelly Slater quote found on Additional sources indicated inside the content.


We just go to #flow :)

Thanks for that Marly!

Than YOU for stopping by, Zane! Hope your doing great 😊

Everybody definetly should aim to find an area in life which excites him or her in the same way surfing does with you.

Joy makes people happy.
Happy people tend to be healthy.
Healthy people tend to do more thins which makes them happy.
The circle closes :)

Nicely said @theaustrianguy, thank you!
Also: healthy and happy people tend to inspire others to live a healthy life :)

True that ;) Living a healthy live just has so many benefits!

Yes! Also 'living healthy' is so much more than eating vegetables. It's pure fun and rather beneficial than stressful.

I like vegetables!

Activity and movement is what floats my boat, exercise->endorphins->happy me

Motivational stuff as always from you, thanks!

Surfers, in general, are friendly healthy and well-rounded people that are fun to hang out with. I suppose it is the nature of the sport, long periods of time alone patiently waiting on a good wave, dealing regularly with disappointment when they don't come even after long to trips to get to a certain spot. Being able to get along and share when too many people are in 1 location ( mostly LOL). Plus you're not only enjoying nature but actually becoming one with it in a vey personal way.
All great ways of caring for your mental health
Great blog, Thanks

Thank you, @codypanama!
You are absolutely right. Especially the will to constantly deal with failure and keep trying strengthen ones mindset considerably.

At my place I'm fortunate. My local spot is so big that there is enough space (and enough waves) for everybody. It rarely happens that two fight for the same barrel 😉
Again thanks for your valuable addings, I very much enjoyed the read!

The best part is a part of my book is dedicated about this and in my consulting as well of my own company.
People really need to become conscious that in scientific terms this can even cure the heaviest of depressions.
And spiritually seen this is your first link to the fullness of the universe!

Hey @josanuavir! Would you share the title of your book? I'd love to know more about it :-)
Thanks for your valuable addings.

When it is out, it will be called Beyond the Abyss. Where in chapter 1 it will be focussing on Knowing Thyself and chapter 2 already on the flow state and beyond! The rest of the book is going deeper and deeper inside of yourself while also using even the glow state to go beyond Plus Ultra .
This is also a link, wich will help you further about Glow.

Sorry for the late response as well, just saw it XD.

Very good text I give 100% vote..... I not know do I see same ... But Look...

Every time I've been on the street and I make street photography... or I make photos in the nature.., then everything around me stops when I start make photos.
I hear complete silence... I even have intentionally headphones on my head, ( strong music ) ...which helps me get out of this silence sometime .
I'm like in another world.

Here are some of my B&W photos... Soon I but new up.

Bird :

Man and his wristwatch :

Old but Gold ( Cars limited Prints ) :

Shadows :

Man :

Old man ( Limited Print ) :

Snakes ( Limited Prints ) :

Simplicity and one Girl ( Limited Print ) :

everything around me stops

Yeah. That's it. As Stephen Kotler said: "It's a moment where a person's true potential is unlocked."
I'm happy you've found your "flow-driver" as well :-)

PS: Great photography! I was following you already, but I see that I need to check your blog more frequently.

Thank you!!! that you say this... Now I know .
And soon I start but new B&W photos up... just now I but all my photos up... even ordinary colored ones.... to show that I get a lot of bad pictures too :)) as it helps me to learn, and see different light.

I just love these posts, so well written and so inspirational. 🤙🏻🌊🏄‍♀️

Thank you so much Stephen!!! I'm happiest to hear that 😊

Absolutely, it's all about finding flow, however that may be! :)

Yeah, it can actually be found everywhere :-)

Go girl! I am not sure about this but I understand what you mean. Keep yourself busy with any kind of things you like and love to do.

Of course, busy people are happy people :-)


Jajaja, muchas gracias!

Hi! Happy to connect with you ! I will follow your adventures, it's amazing! And congrats for all the amazing stuff you are doing!

Thanks for the compliment :-) I feel honored!