My Experience With Sleep Paralysis

in #science7 years ago

What. The. Fuck.

Sleep Paralysis.jpg

This is not by any means an informative article on sleep paralysis... like at all.

Okay so some crazy shit happened to me in the wee hours of the morning - like 1 or 2 am. Not really too sure because I could barely turn my head to see the clock. Anyway, I was thinking about what happened to me all morning and I came to the conclusion that I had my first experience being conscious during this natural phenomenon.


Like I said, it's like 1 or 2 am. I was extremely confused because I had JUST fallen asleep.

SIDE NOTE: I had just woken up from a dream that I consciously entered without trying at all. You know those nights where you're just like EXHAUSTED but you have no idea why because you're not an active person and you didn't do anything for your mind to be worn out? And then you close your eyes for 2 seconds and you're asleep? It was one of those. This also could have happened because I was sippin' on a lil' drink ;)... ANYWAY

I'm in my bed, on my back, arms by my side. Don't even know how I got there because I fell asleep on my stomach. I try turning my head and it's stiff. And I'm like, "okay...". So I try to move my body and obviously that didn't work well either. And at this point, I could not tell if I was asleep, awake, or in-between.

I'm also very into astral projection (even though I have never been successful yet). I can do this thing with my body (but when I think about it I guess it's my energy-body). I can ground myself. It's just this sensation I do when meditating to get my physical body to "fall asleep" faster. It feels like I'm separating myself from it. So I try that. And I shift my focus to my third eye and attempt to just fly out of my body or go into a dream environment. SOMETHING. And then...

* BAM *

Bright Light.jpg

^ Some shit like this appears except it's bigger and whiter. And my ear is ringing with the most intense high pitched noise. It also felt/sounded like I was on a plane going through turbulence. So I stop. I open my eyes and it still didn't feel like I was all the way awake. Then I notice I can see the energy in my room. My room also didn't look "exactly" like my room it kept "changing" and shadows were appearing and shifting...kind of hard to describe. Then I look to the right of me and there's this figure of a woman. Pretty sure I made that appear though because I envisioned it I guess but either way that was cool.

So I try the grounding thing again and immediately the bright ass light is back and the ringing... Ugh it sounded like a binaural beat but without the fancy music in the background. Just one mono-tone banshee screaming ring... And then I'm in my room sitting up on my bed. My first reaction was just to look out of my window - so I do. And I can see the beginning of my neighborhood. Somehow I zoom in with my vision. Still on my bed but my eyes had a zooming option and I just brought the area to me.

And then I kind of just leap up and I'm at the front of my neighborhood. Gravity at this point is like being on the moon. I couldn't really fly but I was doing backflips and stuff. So I try the grounding sensation again and like an orchestra comes the ringing and my whole "body" vibrated and then I'm back in my bed laying on my back still stuck and I'm like, "wtf dude". After that I kind of just went in and out of dreams while being kind of lucid.

In Conclusion

I think I might have astral projected but still not really too sure. I know the experience felt wild. So here are some lessons I think I kind of learned:

  • You can still move in sleep paralysis it's just really hard

  • Don't get nervous because it just attracts negative energy

  • Alcohol can impair your ability to fly?

  • People diagnosed with "Exploding Head Syndrome" might just be really perceptive to astral travel

  • Don't go to bed thirsty because if you do get stuck in sleep paralysis you're probably not gonna reach that bottle of water

I'll write more experiences as they happen. Thanks for reading!

Love & Light
~Steem Spirit


Can I @ them right after transferring money to you guys? I know we're not supposed to use any bots before we use our EN boosts

Oh I see. Original Works is fine. Somethings can't be helped. If you're able to track your posts and manage it then fine otherwise do not stress.

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It's interesting that you said the experience was wild, as I agree but in a different meaning of the word. The process of "Astral Projection" is a variation of the wake induced lucid dreaming technique (WILD). The light and the noise were hypnagogic hallucinations. Hypnagogia/the hypnagogic state is a transitonal state between wakefulness and sleep and is experienced every night, but you usually aren't conscious for it. There is a similar state between slrep and wakefulness called the hypnapompic state. The alcohol may have helped if taken at the right time. It acts as a REM suppressant, but its effects quickly wear off (if taken in small amounts) which ends up causing REM rebound (more/longer dream time) and thus more successful lucid dreaming real estate, as it were. It sounds like you're making progress, but if I may give some advice; drop all the astral projection, light body, karma, chakra nonsense. All this dogma colors your experience through that particularly spiritual lens, which keeps you from experiencing the full joy and wonder of lucid dreaming and consciousness exploration in general.

Hey thanks for reading! If you didn't check already (or if you're interested) I have 2 other posts on lucid dreaming so I am actually familiar with the WILD technique. But in what sense do you mean to drop the astral projection/chakras and stuff? I'm a really gifted dreamer so I don't necessarily use them to "help" me with dreaming if that's what you mean.

Cool, I'll check them out. You mentioned you were into astral projection in the post, so I just meant that since they're the same thing, why not just practice lucid dreaming without the presuppositions that a lot of the astral beliefs require. I feel it kind of detracts from the gravity of the state. Just my opinion, though.

No yeah I totally get it. You leave your body every night. Lucid dreaming is just being conscious in your subconscious. When I refer to "astral travel" I just mean being conscious in the astral world and not just in your own subconscious mind.

I feel the other way around. Basically there's no real reason to believe in leaving the body as you can easily, empirically disprove it yourself. In my view, if they follow the same process and one doesn't hold more possibilities than the other, they're most likely an experience in the mind alone. Certain drugs can induce the feeling of leaving the body, which I think points to it being psychological/neurochemical in nature.

But would you agree that whether it be the "astral" or your "mind" that they both equally stem from the same energy and God-consciousness?

I mean, I think they are the same, but that they both are just consciousness interacting with itself in the closed system inside your skull. In my view, and I think there's good evidence to believe this, the brain is a meat computer and not connected to some sort of ether, energy, or god.

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