The Venus Project: Thoughts on a Resource Based Economy
“The term and meaning of a Resource Based Economy was originated by Jacque Fresco. It is a holistic socio-economic system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of debt or servitude. All resources become the common heritage of all of the inhabitants, not just a select few.” – The Venus Project
The present monetary system that exists on our planet relies on a subsystem of debt and servitude. It is as a result of this system that the progress of human technology remains stagnant, with innovations often taking many years to come to fruition. World issues such as poverty, disease, war, famine, racism, classism, and environmental degradation, are directly rooted in our present monetary system. Many humans around the world are trapped in a cycle of negativity, and as a result of this, feel that there is no solution to these problems. This is where the idea of a Resource Based Economy comes in.
A Resource Based Economy (RBE) is a system that turns away from the currency based system that our entire world is currently invested in. Rather than centering our economy on the allocation of resources in exchange for fiat currency, a RBE system bases its economic structure solely on the maximization of Earth’s resources. The maximization of Earth’s resources to full abundance would bring about an end to the previously mentioned problems that are rooted in a capitalist economy, and usher in a new society of unlimited potential. While the abundance of our Earth’s resources is the main concern in implementing a Resource Based Economy, a method is required in order to bring about such an implementation. This is where the Venus Project comes in.
In order to transition to a Resource Based Economy, The Venus Project, which was created by futurist and social engineer Jacque Fresco, calls for the application of the scientific method to our Earth’s ecosystem. Through the use of present-day technologies, humanity could complete the transition to a Resource Based Economy in as a little as ten years. The architectural blueprint proposed by the Venus Project would introduce paradisiacal living standards, eco-sustainable housing, advanced transportation systems, universal free education and healthcare, and the emancipation of the human race from the mundane tasks of manual labor that this current monetary system is based on.
The Venus Project offers a renewed relationship with the Earth that present-day humanity has forgot. The heart of the Venus Project is the philosophy of the resource-based economy, which calls for an end to our present-day monetary system, and a declaration that all of the Earth’s resources are the common heritage of all mankind. The implementation of a resource-based economy would bring an end to war, poverty, hunger, disease, crime, and many other factors that are systemic to this capitalist system.
The Venus Project, with its proposition of a highly advanced society brought forth by a Resource Based Economy, is an organization that I fully support. With the application of a resource-based philosophy, as well as that of the scientific method, humanity will be able to free itself from the chains of modern society.
To find out more about The Venus Project, please visit:
Quote and Photos Source: The Venus Project at