Can you grow new brain cells? Science say’s yes!

in #science7 years ago

You Can Grow New Brain Cells. Here's How

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The science of neurogenesis suggests it's possible to create neurons that improve your memory and thinking skills.
You Can Grow New Brain Cells. Here’s How.

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Approximately two years ago I saw a video on Ted talk with Sandrine Thuret a neuroscientist, and it interested me because I am a 77 years old male and I live in an assisted-living facility with a memory care section on the second floor. Some of the residents are struggling with their memory, but they have not progressed to the degree where they requie transferring to the memory care section, but I have seen several residents moved to the second-floor unit because of continued memory deterioration. (The memory care section) I am here due to a muscle disease and the inability to walk, but I wasn’t having any memory issues. I could not do everything that is suggested by the neuroscientist, but I did do some. I have no way to measure the results, but I do not have any issues with memory short-term or long-term. I thought the result of this research was very interesting so I decided that I should post it here. Also look for further information from a reputable source confirming what I had seen on Ted talk. I found that the research had continued and Harvard published their findings which further confirm to me that this was valid and dependable. Maybe it will help someone.
You Can Grow New Brain Cells. Here’s How.
Sex, dark chocolate, and aerobics are all encouraged.

Notice: all of the recommendations are drug-free and require only discipline and determination. Drugs have side effects.


Can adults grow new neurons? Until relatively recently, experts believed the answer was no.
But as neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret explains in a new TED Talk, humans can indeed generate new brain cells, a process called neurogenesis. More importantly, doing so has a range of important benefits, including improving mood, increasing memory formation and preventing the decline associated with aging.

In September 2016 Harvard Health Publications confirmed that Harvard Medical School performed similar research that suggests that you can grow new brain cells.

Stress, lack of sleep, and aging all reduce the natural rate of neurogenesis. Certain medications also restrict new neuron growth. Thuret notes that some cancer patients unexpectedly develop symptoms of depression even after being informed their cancer has been cured. Unfortunately, the drugs they’ve received not only stop cancer cells from multiplying, but also stop “new neurons from being generated in their brain,” she says, which has a negative impact on their mood.

Conversely, learning, sex, and aerobic activity all increase neurogenesis.
In one of the first studies to highlight the links between aerobics and neurogenesis, Rusty Gage of the Salk Institute examined new brain cell growth in mice. The ‘control’ mice had no running wheel in their cages, while the ‘runners’ were able to run in their cages regularly. In the snapshots below, from Gage’s experiment, the black dots are new neurons-to-be.

Thuret also explains how dietary habits are crucial to new neuron growth.
Practices that increase neurogenesis include:
• Calorie restriction of 20 to 30 percent
• Intermittent fasting (i.e., spacing the time between your meals)
• Intake of flavonoids, contained in dark chocolate or blueberries
• Omega-3 fatty acids, present in fatty fish, like salmon
Conversely, some dietary habits have a negative impact on neurogenesis, like diets rich in high saturated fat and alcohol consumption.


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