Some questions which North Science could not yet offer!

in #science6 years ago


We are living in an era of science and technology, where science can solve most of our problems and technology is deeply involved in all our daily activities. It is not a secret that we are becoming increasingly dependent on science and technology and in the future, maybe living our lives without technology will be questioned. However, science does not really answer all our questions and can not solve all the problems. There are still many questions and mysteries in the world which have not been answered by science and probably will never be able to give. Today I will discuss some of the questions and mysteries of which science can not answer yet.

Why do we dream?

You, I and we all dream about. Maybe after you slept at night, you saw that you were fighting Hitler and almost defeated him. Or you see that you are standing in front of a huge Hingus animal in a deep forest. But with the breakdown, it was understood that it was only a dream you had seen. Scientist and slip experts know when people are dreaming. Generally, we dream about our sleep at such a stage, the stage called Rapid Eye Movement.

This sleeping stage is not only about people. Rapid Eye Movement Most mammals occur only during sleep. In other words, you are not only dreaming, but also your pet cat or pet dog. Science has been able to explain that people are dreaming at some time during sleep. However, it still can not explain why people dream, how dreams are made or how and when people dream about what happens in the brain. Yes, maybe you can hear that people can see a reflection of what they do all day or whatever they dream of. However, that is why the people could not explain the science.

Are we alone in this universe?

This is another mystery which science has not yet been able to solve. Some people believe that the aliens exist. But most people believe that there is no alien name, these are just imagination of humans. However, the possibility of the existence of Elen or such other life in our entire universe can not be completely blown away. The Galakis that we live in, there are more than 40 billion planets in Galaxie, and most of them are bigger than Earth. Thinking about it, we can understand how much we live in this little space of the universe.


So, living in one place, we can not even tell the whole Universe without explaining that we are all alone in this entire universe. Even some NASA researchers believe that we can find the existence of life in the next few decades as well as other things in the universe. But after all this argument, science still can not give us any information about it. With no logic of science, it can not prove that we are alone in this universe or we are not alone in this universe. Maybe people will have to wait thousands more years to find a reliable answer to this question.

How many species of animals are there in the world?

There are many species of animals in the world, but there are many species of other small animals. There are many species of plants and large animals starting from fish, from insects to plants. There are many species of many species that we still do not know and yet have not even found it. Almost every year many new species of animals are found and their names are being named. But we do not know where these species end up finding new species.


So far, we have found around 1.5 million species of animals and it is thought that we have found only 15% of all species of species yet. That is to say, still many of the species of living know the rest of us. It is believed that all of the species which we have not yet found are all below the ground and living under the sea. Most of these species may not be able to find them or they will disappear like dinosaurs. But this is another mystery which can not be solved by science and technology.

Is Time Travel Really Possible?

Among the science fiction, Time Travel is probably the most productive and at the same time, the most coffeeding topics. Time travel is possible or impossible, why possible if possible, why it is not possible, and why it is not possible, there are many arguments online and offline in the whole world. Many scientists believe that time travel is possible and tried to prove that with the help of lots of logic and reason. Again whoever believes that time travel is not possible, they have also argued many ways behind it.


Many scientist Wormhole believes that it can work as a bridge to futures. Again many tried to prove these lies to others. Many scientists also said that if we can travel at the same speed of light, then it is possible with time traveling. Many scientists believe that we can travel time using wormholes and travel time without using a positive cosmic string. But none of these arguments is a very practical solution. There are also some problems of time travel or paradoxes which may be encountered in our But in the end, this time travel is also one of the mysteries which can not be explained by modern science and can never be told.

Is there any end to our universes?

You, I and we all know and have heard that there is no end to the heavens and our world is expanding and there is no end. However, we have already known the size of our world, the size of other planets around us, the nature of our solar system, the size of the sun. But what we have not yet figured out is how much the size of our entire universe is. Is it really infinitum or just too big? Various places have been tried to prove with the help of various sources and arguments that our Universe actually is Infiniti. That is, there is no end to it.


But most scientists have many doubts about this information. You usually think, how much we can explore or explore our universe? We could not even 1% of our universe and explore. So how can I tell that there is no end to the universe? Maybe the Universe's end, but we could not reach it yet. Again, it may be that the Universe really has no end. This is another question whose answer science is still searching for. Although there are some theories and sources but still can not be resolved.

  • So this was a few questions whose answers have not yet been given to science and technology and can not be said for sure. Here's the end of today Hope you liked today's article. If there are any questions or opinions, please tell in the comments section. Do you know any other questions which the answers science could not give us? They can also share them with us in the comments section.

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