Google launches its new debit card

Between economic crises and pandemics, central banks and fiat money, which we all manage, cannot be said to be at their best.
In addition to the entire blockchain ecosystem and its cryptocurrencies, first Facebook with its Libra project, the AppleCard and now Google with its debit card will make things even more difficult for them.
These cards will be used to expand Google Pay services, which until now has been facilitating payments between individuals and online purchases using a traditional credit card.

The card can be used to make payments in physical establishments, either through the physical card itself or from the mobile with the virtual card, in addition to making payments on Internet purchases.
The card will be managed through a mobile application from which you can check balances and history of past transactions, make transfers, set privacy limits, block lost cards, etc.
With this system, Google will not only increase your income, but it will also be able to track all user purchases, learn about their habits and sell them their products.

With all this, the monetary landscape will be divided into at least three blocks: fiat money from central banks, corporate money from large companies and the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.
If central banks were never characterized by their empathy with the ordinary user, private companies are going to be much more impious, so you can start publishing on Steemit if you want to survive.

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