What was in Stephen Hawking's last research paper?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Famous British scientist Stephen Hawking is still in news after his death. Now the latest news about him is that he sent the final research paper of his life in a research journal for publication just before 10 days of his death.

This article titled "A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation", which was published on pre-print website called "ArXiv.com" on 24th July last year. The latest version of this article was uploaded to the same site on March 4, 2018, after many amendments.

The co-author of research papers Thomas Hortog, in an interview to the British Journal "The Sunday Times" revealed that this research paper discussed the practical discovery of the multi-universe (Multiverse). Thomas Hortog is professor of Theorotical Physics at the Catholic University Leuven.

The concept of multi-universe states that not only our universe exists, but many such universes are present, but we are unaware of their existence, because neither can we observe them nor can anyone know anything about them in any other way.

On the contrary, the concept of multi-universe is still a hypothesis, which is believed to be true by a large number of scientists, but we have no such method that we can use to trace other universes.

Stephen Hawking highlighted the same aspect in his last research paper supporting the concept of multi-universe, but also predicted that, if we will be able to observe the Cosmic Microwave Background then we will also get proof of the presence of other universe.

Since this discovery, there has been a new debate in the scientific circles around the world. Some scientists say that if the prediction of Stephen Hawking proved to be true, his position would be equal to a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, but the Nobel Prize is given to the only Scientists who is alive, Hawking will not get this award. On the other hand, another group of specialists believes that we made the concept of multi-universe for our consent only, therefore Stephen Hawking's prediction is nothing but just a complex accounting process. All this is just being presented in World Media due to the reputation of Stephen Hawking.

The publication of Hawking's article on arxiv.org is also a separate topic in its place, because anyone here can publish their own dissertation, which does not require any scientific review from peer review.

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